How to Perform a Femoral Nerve block Princess Alexandra Hospital Emergency Department
Preparation: Patient consent Ultrasound – linear probe skin prep 20mL syringe pencil point needle local anaesthetic gauze
Why pencil point? Use a pencil point needle to better appreciate passing through fascial planes and to limit trauma to the nerve.
Identify Anatomy Left leg
Identify Anatomy FA Femoral Nerve FV
Use 20 mL of 1% lignocaine or 0.5% bupivacaine or combination Use 20mL syringe filled with local anaesthetic connected to pencil point needle Use 20 mL of 1% lignocaine or 0.5% bupivacaine or combination For the purposes of femoral blocks in the ED, the nerve stimulator connector can be removed with scissors
Approach the field with the needle from the lateral edge of the probe longitudinally
This way, you can visualise your needle in the field throughout the procedure
Once you are in the nerve sheath, aspirate and slowly administer anaesthetic
Clearly document the procedure in clinical notes
Remember in PAH ED you must complete your Procedural Ultrasound competency before you can perform Ultrasound-guided Femoral Nerve Block independently