Czech Republic Smell
Syrečky Olomoucké syrečky is soft cheese made in Loštice. It is easily recognized for its strong odour and yellowish colour. It is named after the city of Olomouc and contains only 0,6 percent of fat.
Pilsner Urquell Pilsner has been produced since 1842 in Pilsen (Plzeň, Czech Republic). It has less alcohol than typical American lagers. Today it is a prominent brand among other beers.
Alpa (Francovka) Francovka is a liquid that contains Mentol, Linaool, Nerol and alcohol. It serves for leg massages, after they have been fatigued. So Francovka helps regenerating for example tired limbs. It contains a lot of alcohol and it is cheap, so some homeless people drink it.
Pardubický gingerbread Gingerbread is sweet bakery made in Pardubice (Czech Republic). The dough is made of cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, lavender and honey.
Wine Most of Czech wines is made in the south Moravia. We aren’t well known in the world, but our neighboring countries know very well about our very good red or white wine.
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