TEST TOMORROW! Citizenship Vocabulary
PREAMBLE the introduction to a formal document, esp. the Constitution
ENUMERATED powers belonging only to the federal government
RESERVED powers retained by the states
CONCURRENT powers shared by the states and the federal government
AMENDMENT an addition to a formal document such as the Constitution
IMPLIED powers not specifically mentioned in the Constitution
DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY maintaining peace within the nation
DUE PROCESS OF LAW idea that the government must follow procedures established by law and guaranteed by the Constitution
FEDERALISM the sharing of power between federal and state governments
REPUBLICANISM favoring a republic, or a representative democracy, as the best form of government
IMPEACH to formally charge a public official with misconduct in office
CITIZEN a person who owes loyalty to and is entitled to the protection of a state or nation
APPROPRIATE to set something aside for a particular purpose, esp. funds ($$)
POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY political theory that government is subject to the will of the people
CONSTITUENTS people that members of Congress represent
NATURALIZATION to grant full citizenship to a foreigner
JUDICIAL REVIEW the right of the Supreme Court to decide if a law violates the Constitution