Background Archaeological work that is the subject of these Orders was conducted in 2001 on the Bolsa Chica Mesa The work was part of the archaeological mitigation program conducted on Bolsa Chica Mesa since 1989 Coastal Commission approved CDP in 1989 for the mitigation program for ORA-83 ORA-83 mitigation program included a boundary survey to ascertain boundaries for ORA-83 and two adjacent sites: ORA-86 and ORA-144.
Background To resolve questions about the “plowed field”, Coastal Commission appointed a Peer Review Committee All archaeological work on Bolsa Chica Mesa – conducted in the County and City – was done under the guidance of the Peer Review Committee and in accordance with their procedures and protocols
Peer Review MOA Guidance Native American monitoring If significant finds (e.g., cogged stones) or features are discovered, excavate additional hand units in the area surrounding the find After hand excavation is completed, use trenches and controlled grading to identify any additional remaining resources Recover and curate all resources
Conclusion Signal conducted the work using the same measures as required by the 1989 CDP Information regarding the archaeological work was disclosed to and discussed with Commission staff in 2005 Report submitted to Commission staff in 2009 Signal fully intends to implement the Restoration and Mitigation Plan in consultation with the Commission staff and Native American representatives