Romulus: The Epic Continues
Nunc Agenda: 1.Get your notebook 2.Open to the “History” section 3.Add these terms: a.Sabines b.Talassius c.Tarpeia
Although Romulus had a number of men in his new city, he had no women
Romulus finally came up with an idea.
There was a neighboring tribe called the Sabines.
Romulus invited the Sabines to a cookout with the Roman men.
But during the cookout, Romulus and the Roman men stole all of the Sabine women.
One man named Talassius wanted a particular woman, so the men yelled “ Talassio ” when they were taking the women.
The Romans incorporated this yell into their wedding ceremony as a shout of good luck.
The Sabine men were unhappy about this and sought to do something about this.
As a result, they declared war against the Romans.
Romulus, the Sabine Women and You
The war took a year to prepare and during that time, the Sabine women “ married ” the Roman men and had children. The Sabine women were perfectly happy with this
Finally the war was ready to begin, and the Sabines prepared to attack Rome.
The Sabines hoped to sneak into the city and to surprise the Romans.
The Sabines found a woman named Tarpeia who was willing to show them a secret way into Rome.
Seeing the gold armbands on the Sabines ’ arms, Tarpeia agreed to betray Rome for what they were wearing on their arms.
The soldiers, however, also were wearing shields on their arms.
Having been shown the way, the Sabines kept their part of the agreement and gave Tarpeia what was on their arms, crushing her to death with their shields.
Afterwards, the Romans tossed her body off a cliff. Later it was called the “Tarpeian Rock.”
As the battle began, the Sabine/Roman women, rushed out into the middle of the battlefield.
Holding their newborn babies, they exclaimed, “ If you attack the Romans, then you will have to go through us first! ”
This battle is our fault! Don ’ t make us widows and orphans on the same day! ”
Thanks to the women, the Sabine men realized that they were wrong, and they went back home.
The Romans and Sabines lived happily ever after
The Sabines were “hill people” and rustic. The Romans thought they added toughness to the city
Tune in Next Time for: THE DEATH OF ROMULUS