Retail Market Subcommittee Update to COPS Kathy Scott November 5,
RMGRR126 RMS Consideration RMGRR126, Additional ERCOT Validations for Customer Billing Contact Information File ◦ This Retail Market Guide Revision Request (RMGRR) requires ERCOT to validate that the submitting Competitive Retailer’s (CR’s) DUNS Number (DUNS #) and the Electric Service Identifiers (ESI IDs) provided in the Customer Billing Contact Information file are valid in the ERCOT registration system. ◦ Reason for revision: Market efficiencies or enhancements ◦ 10/28/14: Unanimously Approved by RMS. Impact Analysis (IA) scheduled to be considered by RMS on 12/2/14. Note: With the Thanksgiving holiday and ERCOT planning to bring forward multiple implementation alternatives to RMS, ERCOT may need more time for IA analysis, if so, ERCOT will file comments. November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS2
Draft NPRR, Submission Approval Draft NPRR, Update to TX SET Implementation Guide Process (Vote) ◦ This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) updates the change control process for the Texas Standard Electronic Transaction (TX SET) Implementation Guides to clarify classification of change requests and to remove redundant and outdated language. ◦ This is TX SET’s request to submit this NPRR for an assigned number to the PRS listserv on behalf of an RMS Working Group. ◦ 10/28/14: RMS Unanimously Approved of TX SET’s leadership submitting NPRR to PRS: November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS3
TX SET (TMTP and Flight 2015): Texas Market Test Plan (Vote) ◦ 10/28/14: Unanimously Approved by RMS 2015 Flight Schedule (Vote) ◦ 10/28/14: Unanimously Approved by RMS This vote also requires TAC’s approval during their November 20, 2014 meeting. November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS4
RMS Working Group Updates: Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG) Smart Meter Texas (SMT) 3 rd Party Access: Implemented on Monday, November 3, YAHOO!!!! SMT Help Desk Tickets are being accepted for 3 rd Party API Integration on a first come, first served bases 3 rd Party Access Training: September 16, 2014 Houston Texas – COMPLETED 88 Attendees from the Market (27 in person and 61 via WebEx) September 19, 2014 Lewisville/Dallas Texas – COMPLETED 74 Attendees from the Market (15 in person and 59 via WebEx) October 28, 2014 ERCOT MET RM 206 – COMPLETED 53 Attendees from the Market (28 in person and 25 via WebEx) November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS5
RMS Working Group Updates: Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG) Smart Meter Texas (SMT) 3 rd Party Access Training LAST Training Session: November 11, 2014 – WEB CONFERENCE ONLY Time 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Web Conference: Dial In: Participant Code: November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS6
RMS Working Group Updates: ◦ Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG) 8 Change Requests (CR) remaining 6 address reporting needs 2 address functionality needs 1 Change Request is forthcoming requesting User Guides being accessible on Smart Meter Texas (SMT) GUI Change Request was Approved by RMS. CR018 requested that Distributed Generation values be displayed on Customer’s ESI ID on Smart Meter Texas (SMT). For these remaining items, AMWG will present the estimates and recommendations to RMS for approval SMT Reports Currently Available: Data Timeliness Measurements, Number of SMT Help Desk Tickets Monthly by Ticket Type, Availability of SMT API, Availability of SMT FTPS Number of Accounts by Type November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS7
RMS Taskforces Updates: ◦ MarkeTrak Task Force (MTTF) SCR 756 Phase III Part B Stabilization “Yahoo-Go Live” went well with minimal issues reported SCR 756 Lessons Learned Documented Test Environment other than CERT An alternative to the CERT environment was suggested for multiple reasons: No regression testing in CERT environment Challenges for some testers to gain access to CERT environment Unavailable when flight testing is underway – limits schedules Limited functionality Completed MarkeTrak 101 Training on 10/24/14 at ERCOT Met Initial feedback very positive – “lots of good information”: 25 the Met Center along with 53 participants via WebEx MTTF will review surveys and provide feedback to RMS November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS8
RMS Working Group Updates: ◦ Texas Data Transport Working Group (TDTWG): Reviewed Monthly Updates concerning ERCOT’s System Outages and failures. (Planned and Unplanned Outages) Reviewed Service Availability and MarkeTrak Performance. During TDTWG Nov. and Dec. meetings will develop 2015 Retail SLA. Reviewed Q Performance Measures 2 transactions that fell below the 98% level in August. 3Q_Total_Market.xls 3Q_Total_Market.xls Continues to coordinate and meet with NAESB to create standards for NAESB Electronic Delivery Mechanism (EDM) that includes transaction- set codes for Loads in SCED. Documents expected to be finalized 5/2015 Developing a White Paper of reasons why current “CERT” Testing environment inadequate for Robust, Adhoc and/or Project testing. Status of Internet Explorer 11 Upgrade: Upgrade was scheduled between September 2014 and March 2015, project hasn’t started which may push the completion date. November 5, 2014RMS Update to TAC9
ERCOT Updates: ◦ Performance Measures 3QTR 2014: 4/1028/08.__Perf_Measures_3Q_Total_Market.xls 4/1028/08.__Perf_Measures_3Q_Total_Market.xls Performance measures have always been sent by , sending copy of reports to every REP and TDSP that has sent transactions during that quarter, which are about 700 s. At end of year ERCOT will post Performance Measures Quarterly Reports to MIS along with notifications through end of 2014, but in 2015 ERCOT will stop sending the 700 s and will only post Performance Measures Quarterly Reports to MIS. November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS10
ERCOT Updates: ◦ Flight 1014 Update Flight 1014 is 76.56% Complete through 10/26/2014 Flight 1014 signup deadline was 5:00 PM CPT 09/10/14 6 New CRs are testing (Including 3 additional DUNS) Existing CRs: 9 CRs are testing for Change of Service Provider (1 of these is adding a new territory) and 5 CRs are testing for a bank change, 1 CR is adding a new territory. ◦ Flight 1014 Schedule: Flight 1014 signup began 09/03/14 Flight 1014 signup deadline is 09/10/14 Connectivity kick-off conference call is 09/16/14 Flight kick-off conference call is 10/03/14 Day 1 transactions begin 10/06/14 Flight 1014 is scheduled to conclude 11/18/14 (contingency period until 12/09/14) November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS11
ERCOT Updates: ◦ Transition / Acquisition Contacts With the RMS/TAC approval of RMGRR125, updates process for Market Participant’s contact information in the event of mass transition or acquisition. October 1 st : Client services sent Market Notice to Market Participant’s providing deadline date of November 14 th for submitting and/or confirming accuracy of Notice of Change of Information (NCI). October 16 th : ERCOT sent individual s to Market Participants with current information requesting updates or provide contacts if not previously been provided on Notice of Change of Information (NCI) on Also, in the future on an annual basis ERCOT plans to have Account Managers discuss, review and provide updates to Transition/Acquisition contacts during account plan discussions with Market Participants. November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS12
Announcements! AMS Data Workshop III (Friday, 9/19/14 at 9:00 am) ◦ FOCUS: Review ERCOT draft data metrics, ERCOT follow-ups on data provided, reports and extracts information, overview of SMT processes for file validation/synchronization, TDSP follow-ups on AMS mismatches, demand response, planned outages ◦ Attendance: 29 at ERCOT Met Center and 30 via WebEx AMS Data Workshop IV (Monday, 11/17/14 at 10:00 am) ERCOT Met Center Conference Room ◦ FOCUS: Review Updated Metrics, Discuss Market’s Longer-Term Reporting needs, Discuss Smart Meter Texas (SMT) Follow-ups from prior workshops, Discuss TDSP’s Follow-ups from prior workshops, Discuss Sunset Timeline for AMS Data Workshops November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS13
Announcements! RMS/COPS Workshop II - IDR Meter Protocol Requirement Threshold – “Save the Date” ◦ Tuesday, December 2, 2014 ◦ 1:30 p.m., following RMS Meeting, ERCOT Met Center ◦ Oncor CR Workshop – “Save the Date” ◦ Monday, November 10, Tuesday, November 11, 2014 ◦ George Bush Presidential Center (near SMU campus) November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS14
Questions? 15November 5, 2014RMS Update to COPS