Georgia Milestones and CCRPI Dan McGuire, Principal Ashley Bagwell, Assistant Principal Parent Presentation February 9, 2016
Agenda o Georgia Milestones Overview o Promotion and Retention o Sample Test Questions o Parent Resources o CCRPI Breakdown 2
Georgia Milestones Overview o Comprehensive summative assessment for grades 3 through high school o Assesses how well students have learned the knowledge and skills in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies o Open-ended (constructed-response) items in language arts and mathematics (all grades and courses) o A writing component (in response to passages read by students) at every grade level and course within the language arts assessment o Norm-referenced items in all content areas and courses to provide a national comparison o All students at West Side will take the test online 3
Georgia Milestones Impact o Provides information about how well students are mastering state adopted curriculum o Informs parents on student readiness for next grade o Detects whether students are making academic progress o Promotion for 3 rd and 5 th grade students o Main component of the CCRPI 4
Promotion and Retention o 3 rd and 5 th grade are promotional years o 3 rd Grade: Reading (Lexile Score 520) o 5 th Grade: Reading (Lexile Score 830) and Math (Developing, Proficient, or Distinguished) o MCS Board Policy MCS Board Policy 5
Georgia Milestones Types of Test Items Selected Response o Multiple Choice Constructed Response o Generate a response as opposed to selecting a response Extended Response o More elaborate answers and explanations 6
MULTIPLE CHOICE Which fraction is largest? 7 A A B B C C D D
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Passage For this item, the students are asked to read a poem entitled, “Healthy Cookies.” The poem is about a girl whose mom purchased a healthy cookie snack in an attempt to replace the daughter’s preferred sugary cookie. The daughter was initially reluctant to try the healthy cookie, but eventually tasted the new cookie and decided it wasn’t that bad.
ELA Task ELACC3RL1, ELACC3W2, ELACC3L1 and ELACC3L2 Explain why the speaker believes that the healthy cookies will taste bad. Write your explanation in a paragraph that includes many supporting details from the text. Answer with complete sentences, and use correct punctuation and grammar.
Rubric ScoreDesignationDescription 4Thoroughly Demonstrated The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the question and the text by completely explaining why the reader expects the healthy cookies to taste bad using details from the poem as support. The student’s response uses complete sentences and correct punctuation and grammar. 3Clearly Demonstrated The student demonstrates a clear understanding of the question and the text by providing an explanation of why the reader expects the healthy cookies to taste bad and uses some details from the poem as support. The student’s response uses mostly complete sentences and mostly correct punctuation and grammar. 2Basically Demonstrated The student demonstrates a basic understanding of the question and the text by providing a general explanation about why the speaker expects the healthy cookies to taste bad. However, the student offers little support from the poem. The student’s response uses some complete sentences and some correct punctuation and grammar. 1Minimally Demonstrated The student demonstrates a weak understanding of the question and provides a minimal explanation of why the speaker expects the healthy cookies to taste bad OR the student provides no details from the poem for support. The student’s response uses mostly incomplete sentences and mostly incorrect punctuation and grammar. 0Incorrect or Irrelevant The response is incorrect or irrelevant.
General Test Parameters 8 Each section will be approximately 70 minutes. o Grade 3 Assessment Guide Grade 3 Assessment Guide o Grade 4 Assessment Guide Grade 4 Assessment Guide o Grade 5 Assessment Guide Grade 5 Assessment Guide
ELA Writing at Every Grade All students will encounter a constructed-response item within the first or second section of the test. o 3 selected-response items asking about the main features of each passage and comparing/contrasting between the two passages o 1 constructed-response item requiring linking the two passages o 1 writing prompt in which students must cite evidence to support their conclusions, claims, etc. Warning: Students who simply rewrite excerpts from the passage(s) to illustrate their point(s) will not receive favorable scores. Genres Writing prompts will be informative or opinion depending on the grade level. Students could encounter either genre. 14
Additional Resources o Georgia Milestones Overview Georgia Milestones Overview o Georgia Milestones Assessment Guides Georgia Milestones Assessment Guides o Parents’ Guide to Assessment Reports Parents’ Guide to Assessment Reports o Lexile Score Information Lexile Score Information o Sample Test Questions from PARCC Sample Test Questions from PARCC o PTA Assessment Guides PTA Assessment Guides o Online Test Practice Online Test Practice 15
2015 and 2016 CCRPI Changes o West Side Elementary 2014 CCRPI West Side Elementary 2014 CCRPI o Content Mastery Weights Content Mastery Weights o Component Weights (All About Student Growth) Component Weights (All About Student Growth) 16