IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Monika Kinker Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management Unit Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety - NSRW Status of the IAEA safety standards and Relation to the CRAFT project
IAEA 22 Structure of the Safety Standards
IAEA 33 Safety Case & Assessment Predisposal DS 284 Small Generators RW Storage Classification Management Systems L/ILW Reactors DS 448 HLW FCFs DS 447 RW in the Safety Standards Spent Fuel Storage 2012 Fundamental Safety Principles DS (2012?)
IAEA 4 NPPs RRs R&D Facilities Reprocessing Plants U/MOX Fuel Fabrication Vitrification Plants Centralized RWM Facilities Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel DS 371 Small Amounts Storage “Small Generators” SNF HLW DS447 – Mgmt of RW from FCFs L/ILW DS448 – Mgmt of RW from Reactors Facility-, Activity-Specific Medicine, industry, agriculture, research and education
IAEA Current Structure DS447, Introduction 2. Protection of Human Health & the Environment 3. Roles & Responsibilities Government Regulatory Body Operating Organization 4. Integrated Approach to Safety Safety and Security Interdependences Management System 5. Safety Case and Safety Assessment Links to DS Steps in the Predisposal Management of RW e.g., waste min, clearance, characterization, processing, storage, etc 7. Development and Operation of Predisposal RWM Facilities & Activities Lifecycle issues, Consideration of normal/accident conditions decommissioning, emergency response Appendices: Specific Examples of Safety Considerations (Facility/Process) Appendix: Key properties of SNF declared as waste (DS 448) Annex or Appendix?: Facility-Specific Waste Management Plan Annex: Development of Specifications for Waste Packages 5
IAEA 6 Safety Standards: Predisposal RWM Safety Case, Safety Assessment Safety Case, Assessment Predisposal DS (2012?)
IAEA 7 IAEA Terminology regarding the Safety Case, Safety Assessment … GSR Part 5, DS284: Safety Case A collection of arguments and evidence in support of the safety of a facility or activity. This will normally include the findings of a safety assessment and a statement of confidence in these findings. GSR Part 4, DS284: Safety Assessment 1. Assessment of all aspects of a practice that are relevant to protection and safety; includes siting, design & operation of the facility. This normally includes risk assessment and probabilistic SA. 2. Analysis to predict the performance of an overall system and its impact, where the performance measure is the radiological impact or some other global measure of the impact on safety.
IAEA 8 DS 284: Safety Guide for SC and SA 1.Introduction 2.Demonstrating the Safety of Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste 3.Objectives and Development of the Safety Case for Predisposal 4.Safety Assessment 5.Specific Issues (Evolution, Graded Approach, Defence in Depth, Reliability, Lifetime, LTS) 6.Documenting and Using the Safety Case 7.Regulatory Review Process ANNEX A Examples Of Hazards And Initiating Events ANNEX B Topical Issues for The SA Review ANNEX C Template Of Regulatory Review Report ANNEX D SADRWMS Project Flowcharts Safety Case & Assessment Predisposal DS 284
IAEA 99 DS284: Safety Case Components, Process Stakeholder and Regulatory Involvement Application of Management System
IAEA 10 Safety Assessment Management System Site and Engineering Non radiological environmental impact Operational Safety Radiological Impact Scenarios Models Calculations Radiological Impact Scenarios Models Calculations Safety Assessment: GSR Part 4, DS284 DS284 GSR Part 4
IAEA 11 In order to provide additional guidance on the level of depth and detail warranted for safety cases, it was proposed that the IAEA would develop illustrative safety reports with example safety cases -> CRAFT PROJECT DS284: Proposal to June 2010 WASSC for Approval
IAEA 12 International Intercomparison and Harmonization Projects CRAFT (successor to SADRWMS) SADRWMS Methodology and SAFRAN Tool Illustrative examples to complement SG (DS284) PRISM Safety case Barrier performance WAC Uncertainty GEOSAF Regulatory expectations throughout development and operation Review process Assessment – engineering, site, radiological impact, integration Working Group for the Dual Use Cask for Spent Nuclear Fuel Safety case extended periods of storage and meeting transport requirements
IAEA 13 Objectives: 1. EXAMINE the application of safety assessment methodology (ISAM, ASAM) 2. DEVELOP, document Safety Assessment Methodology Regulatory Review ---> DS284… 3. INTEGRATE methodology into software tool (SAFRAN) SADRWMS Project Safety Assessment Driving Radioactive Waste Management Solutions Safety Case & Assessment Predisposal DS 284
IAEA 15 CRAFT (Complimentary Safety Reports: Development and Application to Waste Management Facilities) 3- 4 Year Project Next Plenary Meeting June 2013 Objectives: 1.APPLY DS284, SADRWMS methodology & SAFRAN Tool 2.PROVIDE a forum for application of the methodology and SAFRAN tool 3.DEVELOP, document Safety Reports illustrating application of DS284 Facility/process specific Safety Case Process/Regulatory Review
IAEA Status of the Project 16 2 Technical Meetings (May 2011, June 2012) Working Groups Agreed Process Specific Cases: Processing/Storage, Legacy Safety Case Process/Regulatory Interactions Application WGs developing Safety Assessments (SAFRAN) Regulatory WG developing guidance for review of work by application WGs Next TM scheduled for June 2013 Present WG Work against DS284, SADRWMS Begin development of Safety Cases
IAEA Proposed Template A. SAFETY CASE 1. SAFETY CASE CONTEXT purpose, scope, demonstration of safety, graded approach 2. Safety Strategy SADRWMS flowcharts 3. Facility Description 4. Safety Assessment Overview/Highlights 5. Management Of Uncertainties 6. Iteration, Design Optimization 7. ID of Safety Measures 8. Limits, Conditions, & Controls 9. Integration of Arguments 17 B. SAFETY ASSESSMENT 1. ASSESSMENT CONTEXT Purpose, Philosophy, Approaches, Regulatory Framework, Endpoints, Time Frame 2. FACILITY DESCRIPTION Specific Aspects 3. DEVELOPMENT, JUSTIFICATION OF SCENARIOS Hazard Identification, Screening Scenario Identfication (normal, DBAs, BDBAs) 4. FORMULATION OF MODELS 5. CALCULATIONS, ANALYSIS management of uncertainties 6. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS C. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS
IAEA 18 Thank you!