Poison Dart Eagle By: Jacob Thoene, Laura Tayon, Meredith Teakert, and David Fields
It has long legs with talons at the feet so it can grab its prey and eat it. It has a beak to pull apart its prey. It is a vertebrae and lays eggs to reproduce. It flies and hops to move and it breathes through lungs. Engineer
It jumps then glides down on prey so it can take it’s prey by surprise. It spits poison into the preys eyes so it will die. It has feet with talons, wings, and a beak like an eagle. It has a head, legs, and torso like a frog Psychologist
Our animal eats fish, bugs, and mice. Our animal is a carnivore. Our animal is always looking for food Our animal is a birdphibian-a mix of a bird an amphibian. Nutritionist
The poison dart eagle lives in jungles al over the world so they can eat rainforest birds and bugs. They are warm blooded. Environmentalist
It is 10 feet and the longest one to live was 500 years old. When it is irritated, it flaps its wings and squawks. Fun Facts