Workshop 1- Improving the safety profile of the light vehicle fleet 8 September 2011
Facts and figures Number of passenger vehicles in the fleet2,805,869 Average age of the light vehicle fleet13.99 years Age band < 2 years151, % Age band 2 to 5 years363, % Age band 5 to 10 years754, % Age band 10 to 20 years1,867, % Age band > 20 years858, %
Un-warranted vehicles Vs age
Crashworthiness of the NZ Fleet Crashworthiness is the risk of the vehicle occupant being killed or seriously injured in a crash The occupant of the average 1995/1996 vehicle has around a 6-7% chance of being killed or seriously injured The occupant of the average 2007/2008 vehicle has around a 2-3% chance of being killed or seriously injured
ANCAP ratings and ESC- New cars
Individual group activity- 30 minutes max Each group to generate 2 ideas Use worksheets to record ideas Ideas should be able to influence a number of goals Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Each group will present ideas to rest of group
Reduce avgeage of fleetImproveregulatorycomplianceIncrease % of5 starvehiclesIncrease % ofvehicles withESPIncrease % ofvehicles withSCA Govt fleet purchase policy requires 5 star, ESC, SCA√√√√√