WELCOME BACK! MRS SIDDALL Learning objective: To be able to explain the importance of branding to businesses
Classroom expectations Line up quietly and sensibly outside of the classroom and wait to be invited in to the room. BE ON TIME!!! Have all of your equipment for learning: do not assume that we will use the computers every lesson. YOU WILL NEED A CALCULATOR!!! Ensure that you attend ALL of your lessons. If you do miss a lesson, it is YOUR responsibility to catch up. Do as you are asked on the first asking without any fuss. When you are asked to stop talking or to be silent, do exactly that…do not argue. Work to the best of your ability and put 100% effort into your studies. Complete all of your homework. Do not eat or drink in the classroom. Respect everybody in the room.
Extra curricular activities It is a minimum expectation that you will attend AT LEAST one extra curricular session. There are sessions running on a Monday lunchtime and Wednesday lunchtime in T18 with Mrs Siddall. It doesn’t matter what one you go to but you must go to at least one for a full half an hour. This IS NOT a social time, it is a time for you to work.
A recap of how you are assessed Level 1 PassLevel 2 PassLevel 2 MeritLevel 2 Distinction Level 2 Distinction* E/FCBAA* A Level 1 grade is NOT what you should be aiming for, it is a back up if you do not hit the Level 2 criteria. You will complete three units of coursework and one unit that will be assessed by an exam. We will be working through a coursework unit and so you will need to come to lessons ready to complete work to the very best of your ability as the work that you put into your coursework portfolio will count towards your final grade!
Unit 3: Promoting a brand Successful businesses promote themselves to customers through its brand and image. You’ll find out what it takes to build a brand and what businesses need to consider when doing so. You’ll also consider why branding is so important to businesses. Lastly, you’ll create your own promotional campaign for a brand.
Success criteria ALL- I can describe what a brand is and identify the elements that create a brand. MOST- I can explain why branding is important to businesses. SOME- I can analyse the consequences businesses might face if they don’t brand themselves successfully.
Starter On your whiteboards, give me as many examples of different brands that you know of.
What are your perceptions about these brands? In your groups, you’ve been given a brand. Discuss your thoughts about the brand. Some starting points for your discussions might include: Price Quality Target market/users Brand personality
Coca Cola
Pizza Hut
Branding: what is it? Make a note of your thoughts on your whiteboard. You have three minutes to think about it and to get your thoughts written down. It is a reflection task and so there shouldn’t be any discussion about this. Branding is a way that businesses give themselves and the products & services that they sell an identify. By giving the business, products and services identities, you can then start to appeal to consumers.
Would you be happy to be seen using these products? Why/ why not?
Elements of a brand There are key characteristics that go into making a brand: Logo Slogan- ‘I’m Lovin’ it!’, ‘Just do it!’, ‘A glass and a half’, ‘Finger lickin’ good’ Personality Perception A vision Complete the logo quiz that you’ve been given…how many can you get correct? S4 for the person who gets the most!
Why is branding important to businesses? Think, pair, share. Based on the discussions that you have had in your groups, finish the statement below: Branding is important to businesses because…. You should aim to write at least three sentences.
Checkpoint Make notes on the following on your whiteboards: What have you learned so far today? What would you still like to explore about branding? What have you done well so far? How will you ensure that meet the success criteria by the end of the lesson?
Independent work You are going to research a brand of your choice. You are going to create a leaflet about your chosen brand. You must ensure that the following information is included in your leaflet: The name of your brand When the brand was created The logo of the brand The brand slogan A summary of who the brand would appeal to and WHY you think this A summary of what you think the brand personality is. For example, is it a cool, young and fun brand, is it pushing boundaries, is it sophisticated, is it traditional? Extension Think about and explain the consequences businesses might face if they don’t use branding successfully. Do NOT copy and paste information from the internet, write in your OWN words!
Plenary Summarise today’s lesson in 5 words.
Homework Choose a brand that you buy. Write 100 words about why this brands appeals to you. Due: Wednesday 11 th September