The National Groundwater Monitoring Programme Database Rob Reeves Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Ltd
FRST objective to look at long term water quality trends in major NZ aquifers. Combined project between GNS and regional authorities. Started in 1992 with 2 councils. All councils aboard as at Currently analyse 105 samples quarterly. The National Groundwater Monitoring Programme (NGMP)
Stream flow Images Site details Chemistry Land use Water levels Climate Down hole geology Sample details Pump tests Types of Data stored in the NGMP
Quarterly information updated. NGMP database is 1 dataset in a GNS relational database. Basic information available on GNS website. Basic on-line data searching/retrieval for collaborators by end financial year. Possible major restructure pending FRST funding round. Other FRST Current Status NGMP funding sources
Aspirations “To provide a high quality, consistent New Zealand groundwater aquifer dataset that can be used for a variety of purposes (including research, state of the environment reporting and consulting).” QC E-Govt Metadata Data collection Data management Reporting
Issues Funding –Current level doesn’t cover maintenance. –Science based. GNS funded internal database structure. Minimum standards for data sharing. Standardization of sampling/analyses/information protocols. Changing priorities in government organisations. Operational problems.
Summary Young database maintained by GNS Strong collaborative links Are trying to reach aspirations, but … Funding forced re-structure next FY (?)