Marketing Campaign of the Year - Catalogue Title(s): Release Date: Category: Single: Multiple:
Situation Analysis / Campaign Objectives Bulleted List of Campaign Objectives (what did you set out to do and rationale): Please provide a list of titles the campaign was benchmarked against : Unit Sales Target:
Campaign Strategy and Execution Target Audience and executions to ensure you reached this audience: Include any stand out creative ways you reached your audience How did you reach your target audience (please provide data-backed evidence): How did you market the different formats:
Results and Insights How did you meet the campaign objectives: Sales results and how they compared against the industry averages and your benchmarks: What was the ROI of the campaign:
Results and Insights What were the key differences that set this campaign apart? Please give examples (where relevant) of: Media In-Store Publicity Social Media Promotions Product/Packaging *Please do not exceed one slide per section listed above*
Any other relevant / supporting information including campaign visuals Please ensure you do not exceed an additional 20 slides
Good luck and we look forward to welcoming you to the 2016 BVA Awards on 9 th June! Thank you