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Outcomes Receive updates on major shifts in South Dakota and determine how these impact individual schools. Work with Target, Gap and Non-Gap, Report Card, SPI and AMO reports to guide data decisions. Examine D-STEP and CCSS reports to guide data decisions. Examine local data reports to guide data decisions. Develop or modify school goals and outcomes based on data findings.
Posted Materials
Ice Breaker
On an index card, write down 3 one-digit numbers between 0 and 10. Form groups of three or four. Relate something in your life to each of the 3 numbers you wrote down. –For example: If I wrote down #3, #6, #1, I would share that I have 3 children, have been to 6 countries (Canada, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, France) and have the best granddaughter in the world (Elsie Mae)
Share your numbers and stories with your small group. You will have 4 minutes to share.
Diggin’ in Deeper – Let’s get started
As a team, refer to glossary of terms. Highlight any areas you might have questions about If we will not be covering it in the data retreat I can add some additional information to help develop understanding Information to keep in mind as we move through today. Glossary of Terms
Data Analysis Process
It’s Your Day; It’s Your Way 1.Each school is unique 2.Assign Roles (This is your gift of time) Leader Recorder Time Keeper Presenter Errand Monitor 1.Display data in ways that make sense to your team Graphs, words, charts, etc. (No right way)
Data Analysis Process 1.Observe the data and discuss what you are seeing. Write your data findings on the flip chart in summative statements that include the data Facts Only – I observe that … Look at all subgroups 2.Pose hypotheses Why might the data patterns be occurring? What practices might need to be discussed?
Data Analysis Process
Goals and Targets Refer to goals and targets from school year – using SD-Stars Report Card Data Discuss Did you meet your goals? What data do you have to determine if goals were met?
State’s vision for goals and targets: Goals and targets tied specifically to Indicator #1: Student Achievement Overarching goal: Reduce by half the percentage of students (all subgroups) who score below Proficient on state assessment within six years Annual targets to increase proficiency over six years Goals and targets set separately for math and reading Data from school year baseline for setting goals and targets Future Goals and Targets We will examine your targets when we begin looking at student achievement data
Targets (Example) Overarching goal: Reduce by half the percentage of students (all subgroups) who score below Proficient on state assessment within six years
Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO)
Based on idea of decreasing by half the percent of non- proficient students over 6 years Each district, school, subgroup has their own unique AMOs Help determine exit from Focus/ Priority school status when that time comes Sent early Spring 2013 based on assessment results – this was the baseline Fall 2013 new AMOs will be released in needed cases: –New schools –Now more than 10 students in a subgroup or school
Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) Utilize Two data sources: –Spreadsheet sent to you from DOE or the one TIE sent you –Report Card Data either from DOE website or SD-STARS Will show example of SD-STARS Have printed Report Card Data from public site
AMO Data: Did we make it?
GAP and Non-GAP
What is a GAP Group? The GAP group is an aggregate count of student groups in South Dakota that have historically experienced achievement gaps. At this time, South Dakota includes the following student groups in its GAP group: Black, Native American, Hispanic, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities, and Limited English Proficient.
What is the Non-GAP Group? The Non-GAP group includes all students not in the GAP group. Those scoring proficient or higher in the Non-GAP group would be included in the student achievement calculation. (Non-GAP: WHITE, ASIAN, & HAWAIIAN/PACIFIC) Under the proposed system, the minimum N-size will be 10 for each group. Using an aggregated GAP group means almost every school in the state will have a focus on students in GAP groups. Individual subgroups of students will still be disaggregated and reported, but not used for computing the total points for the student achievement indicator.
AMO Data: Did we make it? Dark orange is baseline data (from ) Blue line is your AMO – target for assessment Light orange line – how your kids scored Goals and Targets will be based on AMO moving forward
AMO Data: Did we make it? Examine your building’s AMO report for both math and reading Remember Data Analysis Process: Observe/Hypothesis
Data Analysis Process
Common Core State Standards Since 2011 Common Core State Standards Since 2011 Smarter Balanced Assessment Smarter Balanced Assessment Educator Effectiveness Educator Effectiveness Accountability Model (Reform) to Accountability Model (Reform) to SD-STARS 2013 SD-STARS 2013 Major Shifts in South Dakota
Accountability Model - AYP No more AYP
Accountability Model - AYP Now…Progress is centered on a 100-point index, called the School Performance Index or SPI. The SPI consists of five (5) key indicators. A numeric value is assigned to each of the indicators. These values are added to create a final Overall Score out of 100 total points.
Accountability Model - Rating
SPI Index: How to Read the Report Remember Data Analysis Process: Observe/Hypothesis
Attendance (K-8)
Attendance Data Indicator At the Elementary and Middle School levels, the indicator will be attendance rate based on the average daily attendance of all students. Attendance rate is 94 percent.
Data Analysis Process 1.Observe the data and discuss what you are seeing. Write your data findings on the flip chart in summative statements that include the data Facts Only – I observe that … Observe all subgroups 2.Pose hypotheses Why might the data patterns be occurring? What practices might need to be discussed?
High School (9-12)
High School Completion Indicator At the High School level, the indicator is High School Completion. This indicator consists of two weighted measures: High School Completer Rate 4-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate
High School Completion
4-Year Cohort Grad
College & Career Readiness Indicator At the High School level, the indicator is College and Career Readiness This indicator consists of two measures: Percent of student whose ACT math sub-score is 20 or above Percent of students whose ACT English sub-score is 18 or above
College & Career Ready
Data Analysis Process 1.Observe the data and discuss what you are seeing. Write your data findings on the flip chart in summative statements that include the data Facts Only – I observe that … Observe all subgroups 2.Pose hypotheses Why might the data patterns be occurring? What practices might need to be discussed?
The Future of Accountability in SD Growth: –Workgroup has recommended investigation of two models; preliminary data fall/winter Residual Gain Student Growth Percentiles Climate: –Stakeholders have come up with recommendations; DOE working to develop a model system Career Readiness: –NCRC Pilot in year
The Future of Accountability in SD Effective Teachers and Leaders: –Commission on Teaching and Learning has developed recommended principal and teacher evaluation systems for piloting –Rewritten Principle 3 based on these –75 school pilots for teacher evaluation (20 full scale, 55 scale-up) –12 districts pilots for principal evaluation Flexibility: –Testing / designations for 2014 –Using testing data for high stakes decision making –No DakotaSTEP in 2014 – practice test with Smarter Balanced Consortia Assessment
The Future of Accountability in SD Amendments to come in on –Teacher and Leader Effectiveness –Climate Investigating Attendance and College Ready measures as states moves to new assessments
SDAP (eMetrics) South Dakota Assessment Portal
D-STEP – Individual Student Scores Excel Document – ed to you Demonstration of Sorting
Common Core Standards
Common Core State Standards Common core training/professional development Implementation of common core Common core field items embedded in D-STEP Assessment of Common Core in
Common Core State Standards Locate CCSS Documents; CCSS Appendix; SD Disaggregated Standards; Blueprints, and Checklists Click on Curriculum/CTE CCSS Documents and Appendix Disaggregated Standards, Blueprints and Checklists
Use the Acronym Handout Reading and Language CCSS Strand: Anchor Standard (RL-KID) Reading Literature – Key Ideas & Details Math CCSS Domain: Standards (NS 1-2) Number Systems – Standards 1-2
The Item Count varies because each Form (A, B, C, D) had a different number of field test items that measured the CCSS. Form Athere may be 5 items aligned to the CCSS standard Form Bmay have 7 items aligned to that standard Form C9 items Form D 6 item Hence, the reason for item ranges from 5-9 items assessing RI-CS These Item Counts include the D-STEP items that were also aligned to the CCSS.
CCSS – Data Please be very careful when making decisions concerning these standards – especially when making curriculum decisions around this data. Any standard that has less than 7 items (item count), you need to be careful with what kinds of decisions are being made.
Data Analysis Process Examine your building’s reading and math standards for: Patterns for improvement Patterns of success CHART Observations
Local Assessment Data
Local Assessment Data Purpose: Local assessment data can be used to show student growth throughout the year and to help guide instruction. Guiding Questions: How do our students perform on local assessments? How does this compare to the results from the state assessment?
Data Analysis Process 1.Observe the data and discuss what you are seeing. Write your data findings on the flip chart in summative statements that include the data Facts Only – I observe that … 2.Pose hypotheses Why might the data patterns be occurring? What practices might need to be discussed?
Mining for Nuggets
One chart paper Examine all data charts “Zoom In” Extract “nuggets” for goal development (school/grade level/student level) Areas for further reflection Create graphic representation showing how all “nuggets” support each other
Report Out
We have been a “Blooms” state Blooms Taxonomy describes the type of thinking Moving to a “Webb Leveling” state Depth of which we expect students to demonstrate understanding of the content Webb’s describes complexity of both the content and the task required Use, Acquire, Extend Smarter Balanced Assessment
SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium SMARTER Balanced released a draft document outlining the content specifications that are intended to ensure that the assessment system accurately assesses the full range of the standards (including the Practice Standards). Include a variety of question types: selected response, short constructed response, extended constructed response, technology enhanced, and performance tasks
Assessment in 2014 will be based on Webb Leveling Computer generated test Results available in two weeks (for MC) Leveled Type of assessment questions South Dakota gets same vote as California Technology specs Grades: 3-8 and 11 Smarter Balanced Assessment
2014 – no DakotaSTEP test; replaced with SBAC online assessment System Requirements Are you ready? What current assessment practices are in place aligned to CCSS rigor? What “instruction” needs to change to ensure students are ready for CCSS rigor?
Cake Walk Share: Area of strength Area of opportunity Walking Music
Outcomes Receive updates on major shifts in South Dakota and determine how these impact individual schools. Work with Target, Gap and Non-Gap, Report Card, SPI and AMO reports to guide data decisions. Examine D-STEP and CCSS reports to guide data decisions. Examine local data reports to guide data decisions. Develop or modify school goals and outcomes based on data findings.
Red Light Reflection
Have a Great Year! Melanie Hurley