MHI#10 号機の局所研磨の残りと 2回目の EP1 処理 Process log Status of working Result of pre-EP/EP1 Comparison of EP1 between MHI#10 and #11 Period : 2010/3/8 ~ 3/15 Process : pre-EP(5μm), EP1(100μm), Degreasing(FM-20), HPR(2hours) Workers : M. Sawabe, Kirk, M. Satoh (KEK), K. Nakamura, N. Tasaki, F. Tsukada (Assist Engineering Co.), T. Okada (K-VAC) Kirk 1 STF Cavity Group
Condition of 2 nd EP2 & Rinsing EP acid Nb ingredient : 8.9g/ℓ HF ingredient : 37g/ℓ ( 実際に反応に使われる量 28g/ℓ) –Nb の 1.1 倍の量が Nb とくっ付いている F の量 Current density : 32mA/cm 2 Control Voltage : 17 ~ 18V With normal N 2 gas flow (15ℓ/min) Degreasing LIQUINOX(2%) – 標準では 1% に希釈するようである HPR 5h18m (6 turns, w/o blind flanges) 4h23m (5 turns, w/ blind flanges) STF Cavity Group 2
STF Cavity Group 3 3/818:15MHI#10 moves from V.T. area to EP area 3/9 9:55check every flange / polish every flange except for input port 10:30~Attachment of jigs for EP / found several scratches on one beam pipe flange 11:39Set cavity to EP bed with crane 13:00Installation of cathode bar to cavity 13:21Pressure test with N 2 gas 13:31Meeting for tomorrow’s working procedure 3/10 9:00preparation working starts 10:23pre-EP starts 11:24pre-EP stops [1:01] / Idling rotation starts (3 rpm) 11:34Idling rotation stops 11:36EP acid is removed from cavity 11:56First rinsing with ultra pure water starts 13:27First rinsing with ultra pure water stops [1:30] 13:36Detachment of restriction jigs 13:44Un-installation of cathode bar from cavity / washing cathode bar 13:57transferring cavity from EP bed to wagon 14:04Detachment of jigs for EP / Detaching every blind flanges (black deposit was found on Teflon flange / cleaning Teflon flanges) 14:12Shower rinsing starts in CP room 14:26Shower rinsing stops / Checking every flange [O.K.] / Checking inside cavity (No marks) [O.K.] / No smell Process log ①
Process log ② STF Cavity Group 4 3/1014:29re-attachment of jigs for EP 14:51Set cavity to EP bed with crane 15:30Installation of cathode bar to cavity 15:43Pressure test with N 2 gas 15:50Attachment temperature sensors to cavity / Setting cooling fan 3/11 8:49cavity rotation starts 8:55EP acid cycle starts in reservoir / EP acid level was higher than nominal / adjustment of acid flow rate 9:11EP1 starts 13:29EP1 stops [4:21] / Idling rotation (3 rpm) 13:49Idling rotation stops 13:50EP acid is removed from cavity 14:16First rinsing with ultra pure water starts / It takes 2 minutes for overflow 15:48First rinsing with ultra pure water stops [1:30] 15:56Detachment of restriction jigs 16:04Un-installation of cathode bar from cavity / washing cathode bar 16:22transferring cavity from EP bed to wagon 16:45Detachment of jigs for EP / Detaching every blind flanges (black deposit was found on Teflon flange again / cleaning Teflon flanges) 16:53Shower rinsing starts in CP room 17:03Shower rinsing stops / Checking every flange (probe port was attacked by EP acid) / Checking inside cavity (white stain on beam pipe) / No smell
Process log ③ STF Cavity Group 5 3/1117:10Attachment of jigs for degreasing 17:17Flowing FM-20 into cavity 17:23Degreasing with ultrasonic starts 18:22Degreasing with ultrasonic stops [1:00] 18:25Removing FM-20 from cavity 18:30Detachment of jigs for degreasing 18:40Shower rinsing in CP room 18:56set to HPR turn table 19:04Checking tolerance between position of nozzle and center of beam pipe 19:10HPR for inside cavity starts 21:04HPR for inside cavity stops by manual control [2:04] keep in HPR room by next Monday 21:18fin. 3/15 9:00take out from HPR room 14:30transfer from STF to workshop for annealing
Status of working ① STF Cavity Group 6 Attachment of EP jigs Setting on EP bed Inserting cathode bar 伸縮天井
Status of working ② STF Cavity Group 7 ビームパイプのマスキング pre-EP 後の状況 黒い染みは磨いて落とす
Status of working ③ STF Cavity Group 8 歯医者に行っていたので この後の写真は無い。 カソードバッグが硫黄で汚れていた EP1 後の状況(多少減った感じ)
STF Cavity Group Status of pre-EP for MHI#10 ① 9 current voltage T cavity T reservoir T room T cavity average current density 電圧を 5V にキープして、空洞内液温が 35 ℃を超えないように制御する。
Status of pre-EP for MHI#10 ② STF Cavity Group 10 左図は平均電流密度と電圧の相関 右図は定常状態での分布
STF Cavity Group Status of EP1 for MHI#10 ① 11 current voltage T cavity T reservoir T room T cavity average current density 電流と空洞内液温があまり高くならない ように制御する。
Status of EP1 for MHI#10 ② STF Cavity Group 12 左図は平均電流密度と電圧の相関 右図は定常状態での分布
STF Cavity Group 13 #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10 両ビームパイプで温度が異なる。 途中からファンを右側固定にしたが、 それでもなお左側に比べて高かった。 左側の方は首振りにした後でも 温度がそれほど変わっていない。 バッテリーの問題で最後までデータ が取れなかった。 Status of EP1 for MHI#10 ③
STF Cavity Group 14 #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10 1回目の水張りで EP 液は ほとんど無くなっている ことがわかる。 前ページと縦軸のスケールが 異なることに注意。 Status of W.R. after EP1 for MHI#10
STF Cavity Group Comparison of EP1 for MHI#10&11 ① 15 T cavity T reservoir T room current voltage
STF Cavity Group Comparison of EP1 for MHI#10&11 ② 16 T cavity average current density
STF Cavity Group Comparison of EP1 for MHI#10&11 ③ 17
STF Cavity Group Comparison of EP1 for MHI#10&11 ④ 18