Int 2 PE Preparation of the Body Lecture 2 – Data Collection
Data Collection It is vital that before we start a programme of improvement, that we measure our initial levels of fitness We can measure our fitness in a number of different ways Observation Schedules Standardised tests Training diaries Knowledge of results
Types of Data We are going to focus on We are going to focus on Observation schedules to collect our INITIAL DATA Standardised Tests to collect our FOCUSED DATA
Data Collection Observation schedules are useful tools for assessing fitness levels as: Observation schedules are useful tools for assessing fitness levels as: They provide us with information about our performance related fitness (within a game environment – a match analysis) They are flexible – you build in to your observation schedule the variables you want to measure NOTE OF CAUTION!!! – These do not provide definitive answers : Be careful not to come to the wrong conclusions!
Data Collection Try to analyse this observation schedule Try to analyse this observation schedule What does it show about the players cardio-respiratory endurance? When in the game does the players performance “drop- off”? What was the second half performance like compared to the first? The key is x=unsuccessfull /= successfull /= successfull
Data Collection Time(min s) ControlPassingDribblingTacklingShooting 1 st half 0-5 ////////////////x// 6-10//x///x///xx//x//// 11-15/xx//Xx/x/xx//x//x/x/x 16-20/xxXxxXx/xXxx/x 2 nd half 0-5 //x/////x/x///////x///x 6-10Xx/Xx//x//x/xXx//x/x 11-15Xxx//xxXx//Xxx/Xx 16-20XxxXxx/Xx//xxx
Data Collection Note – this observation schedule was designed to show the “drop off” or deterioration of skills which result from the on-set of fatigue Note – this observation schedule was designed to show the “drop off” or deterioration of skills which result from the on-set of fatigue “If the player lacks cardio-respiratory endurance I would expect his skills to deteriorate quicker. As he improves his cardio-respiratory endurance I would expect him to last longer and be able to perform the skills more consistently throughout the match”
Data Collection Observation schedules are most accurately completed when you use a video camera. This allows you to: Observation schedules are most accurately completed when you use a video camera. This allows you to: Watch the performance over and over again Stop/start the video when you want Slow/speed up the action MOST IMPORTANTLY – Ensures the data you have collected is accurate!
Data Collection After coming to the conclusion that there is a problem with one aspect of fitness, we need to get more FOCUSED DATA After coming to the conclusion that there is a problem with one aspect of fitness, we need to get more FOCUSED DATA We can do this by using STANDARDISED TESTS We can do this by using STANDARDISED TESTS
Data Collection Standardised tests allow us to measure our fitness levels in a controlled fashion Standardised tests allow us to measure our fitness levels in a controlled fashion We can also use them to compare our result to what is the ‘norm’ for our age group/performance level We can also use them to compare our result to what is the ‘norm’ for our age group/performance level Standardised test are also very useful as they allow us to complete the test over and over(under the same conditions) to monitor improvements/deterioration of performance Standardised test are also very useful as they allow us to complete the test over and over(under the same conditions) to monitor improvements/deterioration of performance
Data Collection How many different standardised tests can you name and what do they measure? How many different standardised tests can you name and what do they measure? i.e. Sit and reach test - flexibility
Data Collection If I did an 8 week training programme for cardio-respiratory endurance, how many tests would I do? If I did an 8 week training programme for cardio-respiratory endurance, how many tests would I do? Who would complete the tests? Who would complete the tests? How do we ensure all the tests are the same/all the data is valid? How do we ensure all the tests are the same/all the data is valid?
Data Collection Answer – 5!! Answer – 5!! 1 To collect my initial data (observation schedule) 1 to collect my focused data (Standardised test) 1 after 4 weeks of my programme to see if their has been any improvement (repeat of standardised test) 1 at the end of 8 weeks to measure improvements at the end of the programme (repeat of standardised test) 1 more observation schedule to see if improved cardio- respiratory endurance has impacted on my overall performance.
Data Collection The same person who monitored the tests in the first instance would monitor the rest – to ensure consistency The same person who monitored the tests in the first instance would monitor the rest – to ensure consistency Standardised tests help ensure validity of data – tests always done under the same conditions with the same variables. Standardised tests help ensure validity of data – tests always done under the same conditions with the same variables.