Making the Connection: Health and Student Achievement Shane McNeill Office of Healthy Schools Staff Wellness Component Coordinated Approach to School Health
Coordinated School Health Program Physical Education Health Education Health Services Nutrition Services Health Education Healthy School Environment Health Promotion for Staff Family and Community Involvement
Every day in Mississippi, we have an opportunity to reach… 494,590 public school students 152 School Districts 618 Elementary Schools/225 Secondary Schools Over 64,300 adults work as teachers, school building staff, or school district staff
Is school health the missing link to school improvement?
Why Staff Wellness?
Health Promotion for Staff Teachers who participated in a health promotion program focusing on exercise, stress management, and nutrition reported: Increased participation in exercise and lower weight Better ability to handle job stress A higher level of general well- being Blair, Collingwood, Reynolds, Smith, Hagan and Sterling, 1984
Academic Achievement Staff absenteeism = Substitute teacher Discipline referrals increase Lack of Continuity Quality of teaching Costs to School Districts
Nutrition and Fitness Improve attendance Improve energy levels Improve participation
Responsibility! School staff serves as role models for students Efficiency of School Staff Wellness Matters
Devastating Consequences of Doing Nothing Today’s generation of American children may be the first in modern history to live shorter lives than their parents U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona March 2, 2004
The Hidden Costs Extra staff time needed for students with low academic performance or behavior problems caused by poor nutrition and physical inactivity. Costs associated with time and staff needed to administer medications needed by students with associated health problems. Healthcare costs, absenteeism, and lower productivity due to the effects of poor nutrition, inactivity and overweight among school employees.
Mississippi Budget Consequences Obesity-related costs $757 million dollars per year, over half of those expenses were paid by Medicaid and Medicare.
Why Are Healthcare Premiums Increasing? Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers The Factors Fueling Rising Healthcare Costs 2006
Why Utilization Is Increasing?
3 Keys to Success Keep It Simple: Focus on a few key issues; aim for high participation rates Communicate Effectively: Build infrastructure for future success Reward Healthy Behaviors: Celebrate success
Know Your Population’s Needs Physical activity Healthy eating Weight management
Set Realistic Goals and Objectives GOALS Faculty and staff will be more active Faculty and staff will improve eating habits OBJECTIVES At least 40% of faculty and staff will complete 8-week physical activity challenge Healthy food items will be labeled in cafeteria and vending machines
Evaluate Your Resources In Your School Ways to communicate Health teachers, physical education teachers, food service professionals, school nurses, others Resources provided by Bower Foundation In Your Community Non-profit health agencies Local hospitals Home extension service
Involve the “Right” People People who want to be involved Those with access to resources Decision makers Representative Committee Meet monthly Identify opportunities Coordinate baby steps Build infrastructure
Develop a 3-Year Strategy YEAR 1 Start with small simple steps Focus on participation, and measure it Focus on FUN YEAR 2 Build on success Focus on outcomes, and measure them YEAR 3 Continue to build on success Tell your school’s story to others
DO SOMETHING Even little things make a difference when done consistently over time. Don’t let what you can do keep you from doing what you can do. Success breeds success.
OHS Initiatives to Support Staff Wellness School Wellness Policy John D. Bower, M.D. School Health Network Health is Academic Start-Up Grant Vending Machine Case Study Vending Machine Guidelines Guide for developing Communicable Disease Policy
Resources Centers for Disease Control and Prevention