Qualifications Update: Higher Media Qualifications Update: Higher Media
Assessment should support learning Not lead it! We should be reducing the amount of assessment Not increasing it! Key messages
Key Messages Provides progression from National 5 Media Develops an increased depth and complexity of knowledge and understanding Offers personalisation and choice Provides flexibility Published mandatory documents will be changed to reflect the changes made at National 5.
Course Structure Two units: Analysing Media Content (Higher) Creating Media Content (Higher) Internally assessed by centres Externally verified by SQA Pass/Fail
Course Structure Course Assessment: Assignment, Marked by SQA (50 marks) Question paper, marked by SQA (50 marks) Both assignment and question paper contribute to final grade
Assessment Support Schedule 2013/14 Sept 13 CfE Update Letter Oct 13 Unit Assessment Support (Package 1) Feb 14 Unit Assessment Support (Package 2) Feb 14 Higher Specimen Question Paper Mar 14 Coursework General Assessment Information Apr 14 Unit Assessment Support (Package 3) May 14 Update Mandatory Documents Jun 14 Update Unit Assessment Support
Media Unit Assessment at Higher
Unit assessment - recap Flexible and open Assessment Standards and Evidence Requirements in Units Greater range of techniques and methodologies for assessment – encouraged Assessments can be designed to provide evidence across more than one outcome or Unit – combined assessments More opportunities to gather naturally occurring evidence – assessment as part of learning and teaching
Unit Assessment Support purpose As at National 5, Assessment Support will be provided which you can use to: Assess your candidates Adapt for your own assessment programmes Help you develop your own assessments
Unit Assessment Support at Higher – key features Valid from August 2014 Complements and supports learning and teaching Assess competence against Unit Outcomes and Assessment Standards Designed to encourage professional judgement Provide broad-based tasks – allow assessors to choose appropriate context and forms of evidence Show range of approaches to generating assessment evidence Give information on the type of evidence which could be gathered
Unit assessment support packages at Higher - approaches Package 1 Unit by Unit (generic) approach – discrete assessment tasks for each Unit Package 2 Unit by Unit (medium/stimulus-specific) approach approach – discrete assessment tasks for each Unit Package 3 Combined approach – groups Outcomes and Assessment Standards from different Units
Assessment Support Package Example Unit by Unit Approach Generic assessment tasks Analysis: applicable to any content Creating: applicable to any brief
Analysing Media Content Assessment support packs reflect corrections and clarifications to assessment standards including: -‘evaluate’ replaced with ‘analyse’ -context of society included -addition of new Assessment Standard to analyse the role of media Unit specifications will be updated March-June.
Assessment Tasks Flexibility: -easily adapted for specific content -all tasks can be completed with reference to one text or -different tasks can be completed with different texts -collections of texts can be used -previously studied or unseen content
-evidence can be presented in any appropriate form -one response per assessment task or -extended response can cover more than one Assessment Standard -Assessment Standards can be achieved over a number of occasions -good opportunities for naturally occurring evidence
Creating Media Content Assessment support packs reflect very minor clarifications to assessment standards made to clearly indicate the hierarchy step-up from N5. Unit specifications will be updated March-June.
Assessment Tasks Flexibility -completely open brief -tasks easily adapted to suit resources -all tasks can be completed in relation to one brief or -different tasks can be completed with different briefs
-possibilities for sustained production project or -discrete planning, making and evaluation tasks -individual or group work -evidence can be presented in any appropriate form -good opportunities for naturally occurring evidence
Discussion To provide pupils/students with opportunities to generate evidence: What existing practices could you continue/adapt? What new practices could you develop/adopt?
Media Higher Course Assessment
Course Assessment at Higher Course Assessment at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher assesses Added Value Courses at Higher are normally assessed by one or two Components Courses at Higher are graded A – D, as at present Controlled Assessment of setting, conducting and marking 2 Components for Higher Media – question paper and assignment
Higher – Question Paper 50 marks 2 hours 2 mandatory extended response questions: – media content in context (30 marks) – role of media (20 marks) – single or multiple texts can be used in responses
Q1: Media Content in Context Samples one context from audience, institution and society Samples one key aspect from categories, language, narrative and representation Candidates choose additional key aspect(s) to reference Stem plus three parts, each worth 10 marks
Stem: context question to be answered 3 parts: – instruct candidates how context and key aspects should be analysed in relation to stem – can be used to structure response – marked individually, even where an integrated response is produced
Q2: Role of Media Samples one role of media from: - meeting needs - influencing behaviour and attitudes - achieving particular purposes Question presents role of media perspective for discussion 10 marks for information and discussion 10 marks for supporting references to content
Discussion: – Candidates are expected to make points which communicate ideas and information on the role of media, develop a line of argument/opinion and/or draw conclusions. References to media content: – Candidates are expected to make detailed references to media content in order to develop or exemplify role of media discussion. Key aspects or general references may be made.
Higher – Media Assignment 50 marks Assessment tasks set by SQA Brief set by centre Externally marked Completed over a period of time under some supervision and control 2 sections: planning (25 marks), development (25 marks)
Section 1: Planning Assesses candidate’s ability to actively plan content by carrying out appropriate research and making decisions based on this. 3 tasks: 1.Negotiate brief 2.Compile research and planning portfolio 3.Summarise and justify planning decisions
Tasks 1 and 2: – direct candidates to negotiate the brief – direct research and planning – assessed through task 3 Task 3: – candidates summarise and justify plans – submitted to SQA for marking – 5 marks for each of the following areas of justification: brief, creative intentions, research into content, audience and institutions
Section 2: Development Assesses candidate’ ability to work within institutional controls to achieve creative intentions. 2 tasks: 1.Make the planned content 2.Evaluate the development process
Task 1: – make planned content using media codes and techniques Task 2: a)evaluate effectiveness when working within contexts (10 marks) b)evaluate use of media codes and techniques (15 marks) Work for both tasks submitted to SQA Final content taken into account when evaluations are marked
Discussion What approaches and content would be useful when preparing candidates for the question paper? Within the contexts of your own centre, what production briefs would be manageable for the assignment?