TORONTO CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD CATHOLIC PARENT INVOLVEMENT COMMITTEE (CPIC) ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF PARENTS IN CATHOLIC EDUCATION (OAPCE) Carla Marchetti Senior Coordinator International Languages/Parent and Community Engagement TCDSB Catholic School Parent Council By-Laws Workshop Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Why have By-Laws?
CSPC By-Laws ■Important aspects of the CSPC By-Laws are highlighted. ■Refer to the following documents to inform your By-Law articles for your school: a ) By-Laws Template: b ) CSPC Policy: c) CSPC Operational Procedures
Composition of the Council Elected Voting Members ■Parent members—determined by school—board default (7) --consider quorum ■Teaching Staff ■Non-Teaching Staff ■Student Representative—elected by students or appointed by student council
Appointed Voting Members ■Pastor or parish designate ■Community representatives (number determined by school—usually 2) ■OAPCE T.O. representative (Chair by default) ■One person with special interest in Special Education
Non-Voting Members ■Ex-officio members of the Council (may stipulate members) ■Principal or V.P. of school ■School Trustee and School Superintendent
Election Procedures ■First thirty days with 14 day notice ■Every parent member/guardian has one vote ■Employees of board at the same school CANNOT be a voting parent member. All others must declare before the election ■TCDSB employees may not be Chair/Co-chair at any school ■School Council Election Committee—May
Terms of Office ■Legislation—one year for all members ■School may determine number of consecutive years in Executive positions ■Filling a vacancy
Attendance ■Council determines number of consecutive absences for request to forfeit position
Discipline of Members—TCDSB Policy ■Council has authority to suspend or expel ■Strict timelines as outlined in required section of By-laws ■Council’s decision is final and binding—no right to appeal
Conflict of Interest Conflict Resolution
Meetings ■TCDSB Policy—minimum of 6 meetings including AGM ■AGM within first 30 days ■Calendar of meetings at first meeting of new Council
Quorum Voting Attendance—all meetings are open to public Notice of Meetings
Standing Committees ■Discretionary and determined by council ■Examples: Internal Audit Committee Academic Affairs Fundraising Elections/By-laws Communications SPECIAL COMMITTEES
Financial Matters Recommendations to the Principal and the Board Consultation Amendments to By-Laws
Process for Ratification ■Recommended amendments are approved by CSPC ■If the amendment needs to be applied immediately, CSPC calls a meeting of all parent members to discuss recommendations and to vote to accept. ■If the amendment is not urgent, the amendments are presented at the next AGM for discussion and ratification by the school parent members.