Dec. 16, 2015 Warm UP IR Effects Turn in Nationalism Essays if you have not already IR Quiz Friday, Dec. 18 HW: Study vocabulary, Quizlet, and notes Slide 1
Who invented the Spinning Jenny? Who invented steel? Who cam up with the idea of vaccines? Who came up with the germ theory? Slide 2
Slide 3 Introduction to the Industrial Revolution Students will be able to: Identify the causes of the IR Create a town that will eventually become a city Analyze why the IR originally started in Great Britain Explain the effects of the IR
Slide 4 Warm Up What was the cottage industry? _________________was when large land owners bought the land and then fenced in the public land.
Slide 5 Textile Industry Takes Off Domestic system (cottage industry) had dominated the early 1700s; merchants dropped off raw materials at people’s homes, picked up finished products later Cottage Industry: system of production where a wealthy business owner contracts business out to local people to complete in their home
James Hargreaves Invented the Spinning Jenny. This allowed for the mass production of yarn. It was produced eight times faster than before. Slide 6
Slide 7 Eli Whitney 1793 – Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney) – Machine that separated cotton seeds from the cotton. Increased the production of cotton from 1.5 million lbs. in 1790 to 85 million lbs. in Plans for the Cotton Gin
Slide 8 Textile Industry Takes Off These advancements resulted in the movement of work from the home to the factory Plans for the Cotton Gin
Edward Jenner Theorized that the milkmaids were protected from small pox, because of their exposure to cowpox. Jenner tested his theory on 8 year old James Phipps. James got sick with cowpox, but not smallpox. He became immune to smallpox. First vaccine. Slide 9
James Watt Improved steam engines — The watt is named for him. His improvements meant that steam engines could be used in many other places (factories, etc. ) Slide 10
Henry Bessemer Invented steel. Originally he made an artillery shell that was more powerful than those before. It quickly destroyed the cannon. For the steel he would add oxygen to molten iron to remove impurities and create steel. Slide 11
Louis Pasteur Germ Theory. He noticed that diseases in hospitals were spread by doctors who went from sick patients to healthy ones. Pasteurization of food- to reduce the number of viable pathogens. “if I had the honor of being a surgeon… not only would I use not but perfectly clean instruments, but I would clean my hands with the greatest care…” Slide 12
Slide 13 Changes Brought by the Industrial Revolution Cities begin to dominate the western world Creates a new social order with the rise of an influential middle class Poor working conditions for lower classes eventually lead to new social and political movements Need for markets and resources force Europeans to take over foreign lands (imperialism)