DMPS IB Network of Schools Delivering a high quality international education as a choice for families and students from PK through graduation Superintendent’s Facilities Advisory Committee 9 February 2011
What is IB all about? International standards in all content areas Integration of subject areas through inquiry Emphasis on communication (including new languages) Leveraging new learning and technology to address real-world problems and issues Balanced approach to meeting social, emotional, physical and cognitive needs of learners
How does this unfold? A continuum of three programs PYP – Primary Years Programme (PK-5 th grade) MYP – Middle Years Programme (6-10 th grade) Diploma Programme – (11 th and 12 th grade) PYP and MYP are “whole-school” models and must be offered to all students in a building Diploma Programme may use selective criteria
School NameTotal Population Free/Reduced Lunch % for current school year Minority Enrollment % for current school year Hubbell Park Ave Stowe Walnut Street Goodrell Merrill Gateway Meredith Hoover(9 th and 10 th only) Central Academy (full Diploma Programme) Central Academy (specific courses – certificate only) IB Cohort District DMPS IB Network of Schools enrollment figures 14% of the students (1 in 7) in the district benefit from IB programming 19% of the attendance centers in the district (10 in 53) offer IB programming
Total Student Population Free/Reduced Lunch %Minority Enrollment % School Year (6 schools) %32% School Year (7 schools) %39% School Year (9 schools) %43% School Year (10 schools)439458%45% 4-year change (72% growth) Cohort Growth
Candidate Schools Authorized Schools Consideration Phase Schools P = Elementary M = 6-8MS/9-10 HS D = Diploma P P P M M P M M D M M M
Growth into the future Expanding with an eye on access and equity Honoring feeder patterns Building a system of excellence for others to learn from IB as a school improvement/transformation vehicle Promoting IB as a choice among other options within the district