Management Science 461 Lecture 3 – Covering Models September 23, 2008
2 Covering Models We want to locate facilities within a certain distance of customers Each facility has positive cost, so we need to cover with minimum # of facilities Easy “upper bound” for these problems. What is it?
3 Defining Coverage Geographic distance Euclidean or rectilinear – distance metrics Time metric Network distance Shortest Paths Coverage is usually binary: either node i is covered by node j or it isn’t A potential midterm question would be to relax this assumption…
4 Network example 14 A E D C B
5 Network example If coverage distance is 15 km, a facility at node A covers which nodes? 14 A E D C B
6 Example Network (cont.) When D = 22km, what is the coverage set of node A? 14 A E D C B
7 Algebraic formulation Assume cost of locating is the same for each facility (again – possible HW / midterm relaxation) The objective function becomes … (Set of facility locations – J; set of customers – I)
8 Example – D = A E D C B
9 Example – D = A E D C B
10 Example – D = A E D C B
11 Complete Model 14 A E D C B
12 Algebraic formulation More generally, we can define The value of a ij does not change for a given model run. We can include cost of opening a facility
13 General Formulation Cost of covering all nodes Each node covered Integrality
14 The Maximal Covering Problem Locate P facilities to maximize total demand covered; full coverage not required Extensions: Can we use less than P facilities? Each facility can have a fixed cost Main decision variable remains whether to locate at node j or not
15 The Maximal Covering Problem 14 A E D C B Demand
16 Max Covering Solution for P=1 Locate at __ which covers nodes ___ for a total covered demand of ___. Distance coverage: 15 Km 14 A E D C B Demand
17 Modeling Max Cover If we use a similar model to set cover, we might double- and triple-count coverage. To avoid this and still keep linearity, we need another set of binary variables Z i = 1 if node i is covered, 0 if not Linking constraints needed to restrict the model
18 Max Cover Formulation (D=15) Total covered demand Linkage constraints Locate P sites Integrality 14 A E D C B
19 Max Covering Formulation Covered demands Node i not covered unless we locate at a node covering it Locate P sites Integrality
20 Max Covering – Typical Results 150 cities D c = 250 Decreasing marginal coverage Last few facilities cover relatively little demand ~ 90% coverage with ~ 50% of facilities
21 Problem Extensions The Max Expected Covering Problem Facility subject to congestion or being busy Application: in locating ambulances, we need to know that one of the nearby ambulances is available when we call for service Scenario planning Data shifts (over time, cycles, etc) force multiple data sets – solve at once