C O M U N E D I R I A C E Village of Hospitality
PROTECTION BODIES COMUNE DI RIACE Local authority Associazione Città Futura G. Puglisi Associazione Riace a sud di Lampedusa Associazione Real Riace Associazione Riace Accoglie Cooperativa Eurocoop Camini Cooperativa Il Girasole
Settore Politiche Sociali PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS
Projects in the Year 2011 Hospitality - Assistance - Protection - Integration Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees SPRAR Immigrants from North Africa because of the wars Emergenza Nord Africa North Africa Emergency Immigrants who are received because of the agreement with the Prefecture Landing emergency Foreign minors who have a special protection program Unaccompanied foreign minors Migrants who have completed the projects of hospitality Integrated
SPRAR Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees Financed places: 15 Members received: 28 Beneficiaries received in the project in 2011 Single: 1 Families: 3 Single-parent families: 4 Type of beneficiaries received Eritrea, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria Countries of origin
Emergenza Nord Africa Immigrants applying for International Protection Associazione Città Futura Beneficiaries: 20 Ciad, Libia, Marocco Associazione Riace a sud di Lampedusa Beneficiaries: 25 Ghana, Mali Associazione Riace Accoglie Beneficiaries: 27 Ghana, Nigeria Associazione Real Riace Beneficiaries: 9 Bangladesh, Benin Cooperativa Eurocoop Beneficiaries: 11 Costa dAvorio Cooperativa Il Girasole Beneficiaries: 2 Somalia
Landing Emergency Immigrants who have been received because of the agreement with the Prefecture Date of last landing September 21, 2011 People housed as a result of the last landing 68 Age of Mrs. Adla who arrived with the latest landing; she is the oldest person ever hosted in Riace 119 Countries of origin of the latest arrivals of refugees Kurdistan, Syria, Turkey Periodically, from 1998 until today, refugees arrive on the Ionian coast of Calabria in search of hope. Riace regularly provides immediate hospitality to these people.
people accommodated 14 Place of Reception Borgo Carmine house Unaccompanied foreign minors Mauritania 1 Burkina Faso 4 Côte d'Ivoire 9 State of origin
Years refugees from Kurdistan Years For each year, about political refugees and/or holders of International Protection Refugees passed in Riace
Number of beneficiaries Reason for exit 3Inserting in the territory 7Inserting out of territory -Voluntary repatriation 2Leaving without explanation Beneficiaries leaving in 2009
Beneficiaries leaving in 2010 Number of beneficiaries Reason for exit 5Inserting in the territory 3Inserting out of territory -Voluntary repatriation 7Leaving without explanation
Beneficiaries leaving in 2011 Number of beneficiaries Reason for exit 15Inserting in the territory -Inserting out of territory -Voluntary repatriation -Leaving without explanation Integrated beneficiaries Number of beneficiaries Reason for stay 15Work grant 13Work Beneficiaries integrated
Workshops activated Laboratories have a function of relational exchange, because they allow women with children, refugees or women with International Protection, to spend their time constructively. The activities also promote a greater ease in learning the italian language Final objective Work integration, independence, social integration Intermediate situation Moments of relief resulting from keeping the mind and body engaged in constructive activities Initial situation Dramatic problems in their country of origin (social uprooting, torture, neglect, persecution, insecurity)
Laboratories Weaving handicraft laboratory Ceramics workshop Laboratory of the glass Laboratory of embroidery and dolls with traditional costumes Chocolate Laboratory Laboratory of wood and ethnic statues Knitwear handicraft
Workshops Workshop of artistic glass Ethnic bazaar Shop of fair trade Donna Rosa restaurant
Associazione Città Futura 20 Associazione Real Riace 7 Riace Superiore Associazione Riace a sud di Lampedusa 13 Associazione Riace Accoglie 9 Cooperativa Il Girasole 5 Riace Marina Cooperativa Eurocoop 6 Camini 60 operators Total Operators in the projects of reception, care, protection and social and work integration of immigrants and/or holders of International Protection