Concept Development and End Product Description
Concept Generation
Portable Audio Equalizer Objectives 1. The system should have excellent sound quality. 2. The system should have easy equalization 3. The system should be of light weight 4. The system should be low cost Constraints 1. The system must be portable 2. The system will be an add-on to existing MP3 player
Concept Fan
Concept Combination Table
Concept Selection
End Product Description
Level 0 Equalizer Functionality
Level 1 Equalizer Functionality
Level 2 Equalizer Functionality
Embedded Systems Require additional Information
Continue until the next step is to place components
Portable Audio Equalizer Marketing Requirement s Engineering RequirementsJustification 1, 2, 4 1. The total harmonic distortion should be <0.1%. Based upon competitive benchmarking and existing amplifier technology. Class A, B, and AB amplifiers are able to obtain this level of THD. 2, 4 1. Should have three band equalization Achievable with few components and very popular 3 - A 1. Weight should not exceed 1 pound User will have to carry it while walking
Portable Audio Equalizer 3-B1.The dimensions should not exceed 2” x 2”x 1”. Unit will interconnect with existing equipment 4-A1.Production cost should not exceed $15. This is based upon competitive market analysis and previous system designs. Objectives 1.The system should have excellent sound quality. 2.The system should have easy equalization 3.The system should be of light weight 4.The system should be low cost Constraints A.The system must be portable B.The system will be an add-on to existing MP3 player
Summarize Specs in one table
Other Deliverables Power Point Presentation Final Report User Manual etc