Create your own castle WALT – work co-operatively.


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Presentation transcript:

Create your own castle WALT – work co-operatively

Hello again, I am Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland. I need you to build me a castle within a budget of 75 shillings. These are the things you need to think about: Castle defences against enemies Comfort Other people living there too

Your task is to… 1. Get into pairs. 2. Design your castle on paper and colour in. 3.List the items you will be buying from the ‘castle shopping list’. 4.Work out how much you have spent. 5.Work out how much money you have left over. 6.Produce a joint written piece of work. Describe your castle and explain why you have bought certain feature.

Write a paragraph about your castle Explain what the task you have been given is. Say what your budget was! Did you stick to it? Write about what your castle is like, what you bought and why those features protect your castle. Write about the inside of your castle, what you bought and why. If you had more money what would you do? What else would you buy? Explain. If you could change anything now, what would it be any why?

Peer Assessment