CMPE 583 Web Semantics: Theory and Practice Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains Prepared by ERHAN GAYDE,
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation2 Outline Introduction Detail information about the case study Ontology Structure Search Comparison Conclusion Referance Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation3 Introduction An extension of the current World Wide Web that does not only provide information at the syntactic level to human users, but also at a machine-understandable. In my case study, I mention that historical castles over Besparmak mountain information systems by semantic web technologies. Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation4 Introduction (Cont.) Develop Castle data with Web Ontology Language (OWL) Two different parts –ontology part –semantic search part Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation5 DETAIL INFORMATION ABOUT THE CASE STUDY Platform and Tools – Protégé Ontology Representation –Algernon Inference Engine Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation6 Ontology Structure Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation7 Ontology Structure (Cont.) Ontology is created with OWL with RDF/XML Protégé is used for producing –classes –properties –relations –individuals Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation8 Ontology Structure (Cont.) How to create Classes with Protégé ? Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation9 Ontology Structure (Cont.) How to create Properties with protégé? <rdfs:range rdf:resource=" XMLSchema#positiveInteger"/> Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation10 Ontology Structure (Cont.) How to create Relations with protégé? Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation11 Ontology Structure (Cont.) Individuals: There are 3 different castles and their features inserted into Castle ontology Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation12 Search The Algernon tab of Protégé was used for the semantic search part, which is a Protégé tab plugin Done same search using SQL for comparing performance and strength Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation13 Search (Cont.) Find a castle name, castle height and check if they have an east coast view which are modified in 11. century Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation14 Search (Cont.) Find a height of Kantara Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation15 Comparison When I tried to do same searches I realized some implementations were not possible. Even some of them possible at this time the search way was very complicated. Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation16 Conclusion & Future Work When I made semantic search, I realized result are comparative, and no need to know all class names. This case study is limited only historical castles over Besparmak Mountains, for the future work, I can add other castle in my project. Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation17 Reference 1) Alexander Maedche and Steffen Staab “Applying Semantic WebTechnologies for Tourism Information Systems” 2) 3) 4) Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains
27/01/2005CMPE Case Study Presentation18 Questions? Semantic Information System of Historical Castles over Beşparmak Mountains