EARLY RECOVERY  Early Recovery is an integrated approach to make the dividends of humanitarian action gradually sustainable. It includes all actors that.


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Presentation transcript:

EARLY RECOVERY  Early Recovery is an integrated approach to make the dividends of humanitarian action gradually sustainable. It includes all actors that can bring durable crisis prevention opportunities in-line with development objectives.  It is a recognised part of humanitarian response.  It is system-wide.  It bridges the divide between humanitarian and development work (and capitalises on both).  It is the foundation for building resilience in crisis-affected countries.

DRR ER Humanitarian response…..development

UPDATE ON EARLY RECOVERY  IASC Principals meeting, December.  Mainstreaming ER into the overall humanitarian response. Clusters integrate ER into their work.  The ‘call it what it is’ cluster can be created at country level to meet specific needs not covered by existing clusters. The HCT will determine the name of this cluster based on the specific issues it addresses (‘call it what it is’). Examples of this have been the Community Restoration Cluster (Pakistan), LICI Cluster (Livelihoods, Institutional Capacity Building, Infrastructure; Zimbabwe), GIL cluster (Governance, Infrastructure, Livelihoods, Uganda).  Early Recovery Advisory support to Humanitarian Coordinators (HCs).  CWGER (and Global Protection Cluster) responsibilities in implementing the SG Decision on Durable Solutions (three pilot countries).

WHAT IS EARLY RECOVERY (IN 2 MINUTES) Minimising disruptions to normality as much as possible in a crisis. Returning communities t normality at the earliest time possible. Integrating risk reduction into crisis response to mitigate the impact of future crises. Maintaining markets and purchasing power. Maintaining and/or rebuilding basic infrastructure to support the resumption of business, assist public service delivery. Building capacities of local authorities and other local actors to provide sustainable solutions to crisis prevention; and establish stronger local authorities (preparation and response to crises) Empowering communities and reducing aid dependency. Research and information gathering to inform humanitarian and recovery response (IDPs and refugees: durable solutions)

DEMYSTIFYING EARLY RECOVERY 16/17-Aug-2011 Stregthening Early Recovery and DRR in the Kenya EHRP+ 5 It is a phase that comes quickly after relief It is all about livelihoods It is something that UNDP does It fills the gaps other clusters don’t cover It fills the gap between humanitarian work and development It happens after a crisis It is not a phase, it is an approach to humanitarian work! It includes issues related to livelihoods, but also other issues to help rebuild after a crisis: public services interruptions, infrastructure, markets… It is something that all actors should do It sometimes fills the gaps other clusters do not cover. But the ER cluster does not replace ER programming across clusters It happens after, before, and even during a crisis. Mitigation, preparedness, response, rebuilding….. The approach should reduce / eradicate the gap between humanitarian and development work