Swiss exercise balls, also know as stability balls are large, latex-free, vinyl balls (various sizes available) that can be used for rehab or fitness purposes. It is the unstable nature of the ball that makes it unique.
The advantage of its instability is that it challenges the following skills necessary for advancement in an exercise program and maintenance Joint mobility Flexibility Righting Reflexes Reaction Time Coordination Posture Balance Strength Proprioception
All Sports person require a strong core and the efficient transfer of power between the upper and lower body. Professional athletes now include core strengthening as a fundamental part of their training regime. As an athlete with a highly developed core stability, will jump further, swing harder, run faster, and swim with greater efficiency.
The "Swiss Ball" was invented in Italy in 1963 as a toy called the Gymnastik by an engineer Aquilino Cosani. Using the Bobath method of stroke/neuro-developmental rehabilitation, Dr. Elseth Kong and Mary Quinton, an English physical therapist developed pediatric neurological rehab programs using the Swiss Ball. Dr. Susan Klein-Vogelbach (a Swiss Physical Therapist) incorporated its use into orthopaedic and other medical areas, postural re-education and back rehabilitation.
In the 1980's American physical therapists visiting European clinics learned of its use and brought this knowledge back to North America; hence, the name "Swiss Ball". During the early 1990s, the exercise ball moved from the rehabilitation setting into the athletic arena and now is prominent in the fitness world.
The perfect exercise ball size; When sitting on the exercise ball, Knees and hips should be at 90 degrees. Ball exercises that require you to kneel or stand on the ball, a larger ball is better. Begin your program with a softer ball. The firmer the ball, the more difficult you will find it to stabilize yourself on the ball. The more inflated the ball is, the less contact area there is with the floor, the more easily the ball will roll, and the more skill is required to maintain balance on the exercise ball.
45 cm up to 5' 0 (1.5m) 55 cm '0" to 5'6" ( m) 65 cm '7" to 6'0" ( m) 75 cm '0" and over
It is important to warm up before engaging in demanding physical activity. For ball exercises it is important to maintain proper posture. This means keeping your back straight or preventing your knees from locking down on most exercises. Focus on breathing properly. Being aware of one's breathing process is essential to obtaining good results when training with ball exercises.
Proper Alignment Using the Swiss ball during training will utilize many additional muscles to maintain stability and balance. Swiss balls are less stable than traditional fitness equipment, which can greatly improve your balance, coordination and core strength. The alignment of your body is also improved when proper balance is maintained. Great Abs An abdominal crunch on the fitness ball has been scientifically proven to work your abs better than a regular crunch. For people working out to achieve great abs, the Swiss ball can definitely target the abdominal areas as the abs and back muscles are simultaneously worked.
Muscle Strength and Endurance: The Swiss ball can improve muscle strength and endurance in all of the major muscle groups. Training with the stability ball can help in alleviating back pain and preventing pain in the future. As all the major muscle groups are exercised, tone, strength and endurance are improved as well as flexibility and balance.
Core Stability Swiss balls are less stable than traditional fitness equipment so you can also greatly improve your balance, coordination and core strength in your abs and back. The major muscles that help stabilize and support all of your body movements are made up of the back and the deep abdominal muscles. With the Swiss ball no matter how "deep" these muscles are, they are still exercised. This is something only the ball can guarantee.
Stretching The Swiss ball is a great tool for stretching exercises. With this, you can easily move into and move out of different stretching positions. Training with the Swiss ball will restore or improve your flexibility. Losing Weight Any exercise that strengthens your muscles will help to reduce body fat. With regular exercise using the stability ball, you will also lose weight!