Presented by: Rich Ponton John Sommers-Flanagan and You!
Introductions Rich John You
Assumptions We’ve all had courses and continuing education in ethics. We all know something about ethics. None of us know everything about ethics. Together we know more than any one us knows alone.
What Won’t be Happening We won’t tell you about all the ways you might get sued. We won’t try to push an agenda from either end of the political spectrum. We won’t tell you horror stories about all the dumb things your colleagues have done. Then... you might be asking yourself... “How is this going to be an ethics workshop?”
What We Hope for Instead Together we will have a conversation- Together we will explore the foundational issues of our professional ethics code(s) and personal ethical orientation(s). Together we will apply ethical thinking to our professional practice and the organizations in which we serve. Together we will share our knowledge, strengths, challenges and doubts. Together we’ll engage in some interactive Q & A designed to elevate our ethical thinking
Program Goals and Objectives 1. Identify and apply three philosophical foundations for ethical decision-making. 2. Identify three individual and three organizational characteristics that may interfere with their ethical decision making. 3. Identify three organizational behaviors that will enhance ethical decision making
Your Ethical/Moral Orientation Time for some work Please complete the Moral Orientation Questionnaire (Short Form)
Bonus Slide: Ethical/Moral Orientations a) Character Ethics – Aristotle – What is a good person, and what does it take to become a good person? b) Deontological Ethics – Kant – There are moral duties that apply to all people in all times and places. c) Situation Ethics – Fletcher – The highest moral act in a given situation is based on selfless concern and compassion d) Utilitarian or Consequentialist Ethics – Mill – Given this morally demanding situation, what action will make things come out the best for the most people? e) Divine Command theory – God said it. I believe it. That settles it f) Hedonism or Egoism – Morality as individual achievement and things will work out g) Ethics of Care – Act in ways that enhance healthy, connected, human relationships
Bonus Slide II: Ethical/Moral Orientations What’s Your Deeper Bottom Line? Common Good vs. What’s Good for You Keep in mind the ways that you (and the counseling profession) keep yourself (or keep ourselves) focused on what’s best for clients. In many ways, your philosophy is your strategy for reminding yourself to do what’s right.
Question For Rich How do you think the ethical codes of the AMHCA and ACA reflect the relationship of the profession to society?
Question for John What are your thoughts on the “new” statement of core professional values of the counseling profession in the 2014 ACA Code?
ACA Core Values 1. enhancing human development throughout the life span; 2. honoring diversity and embracing a multicultural approach in support of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of people within their social and cultural contexts; 3. promoting social justice; 4. safeguarding the integrity of the counselor–client relationship; and 5. practicing in a competent and ethical manner.
Question For Rich How would you describe the differences between the ACA Code and the AMHCA code?
Question for John What do you see as some of the problems and limitations of ethics codes in general and the ACA and AMHCA codes in particular?
Question For Rich Can you talk about the situations when laws, ethics, and company policy collide?
Question for John How can we better understand the inter- relationships between our ethical/moral orientation(s), our ethical fears and anxieties, and the ethical codes? The Ethics Word Association Game
Question For Rich When we look at bad behavior…in society and in counseling…how does that happen?
Question for John Discuss the new technology section in the ACA code in general and the social media section in particular. How do these new sections align with the foundational moral/ethical orientations?
Question For Rich Can you talk about organizational ethics….how does the counselor-manager promote ethical behaviors of the organization and in the organization.
Question For Rich and John Are you happy with the ethical IQ of the counseling profession?
Boiling it Down
Closing Comments What do you want to remember from our time together? What ethical anxieties will you leave behind? What counseling ethical guidelines make you proud to be a counselor?