St Thomas C.E. Primary School P.E. Newsletter- February 2015 Clubs Currently the range of extracurricular clubs include: Multi sports Kickboxing Gymnastics Dance Climbing Football Staff training All teaching staff attending a PE staff meeting. They got the opportunity to observe KS1 and KS2 gymnastic specialists and were given new assessment sheets for their classes. Other news Both year 3 and 4 are enjoying swimming in the news pools and are doing tremendously! The breakfast club have been given some table tennis sets. These are proving to be very popular! The school has been awarded the Gold Sainsbury’s Sports Mark award! Competitions This year we has competed in: Numerous football competition (Boys A and B and C teams, Girls A team). Cross-country in Alexandra Park (Years 2-6). Sports-hall athletics/multisports (Years 1-6 including SEN and pupils who don’t normally play sport) Kurling, golf and boccia (SEN) Handball (Years 5/6). Dodge ball (Year 5/6 girls). The school is due to compete in: Dance Water polo Swimming Tag rugby Fencing Rounders Football Uni-hoc Kwik cricket Xplorer (orienteering) Children are also expected to attend a presentation day at Hathershaw day an young sports leader training sessions.