Hinduism Notes
Aryan Culture The world religions of Hinduism and Buddhism developed in South Asia. Early Aryans worshipped many Gods. Indra-warrior god, most important. Varuna was strict, punished sinners.
Hinduism It’s the main religion in India. Over 80% of people in India are Hindu. Hinduism is the Worlds 3 rd largest (1 billion). The religion has a profound effect on India's history, culture and philosophy. atman Hindus believe in the unity of all life, that all things in nature are part of the same universal soul. Every person has an essential self or atman, (aht-muhn) which is part of a universal soul. Video
Hinduism Hindus worship thousands of gods. Hinduism is a Polytheistic religion. Each god is part of a single supreme force called Brahman. Three main gods of Hinduism: Brahman (creator), Vishnu (preserver), and Siva (sheva) (destroyer).
Hinduism- celebrates diversity Moksha The Goal of life is Moksha, freeing of the soul from the body so the soul can unite with Brahman. *thus end cycle of reincarnation Moksha reincarnation, or rebirth of the soul Moksha cannot be achieved in one lifetime. Thus, Hindus believe that people undergo reincarnation, or rebirth of the soul in various forms. The soul may be reborn as anything from a god to flower or a snake. VideoVideo
L to R: Vishnu (preserver), Brahman (creator), and Siva (sheva) (destroyer).
Hinduism A person’s Karma (actions both mental and physical) in this life affects a person’s fate in the future life. And a person’s present situation (i.e. poverty) is the result of his or her deeds in a past existence. So…..Every good deed sooner or later results in happiness. Every evil deed results in sorrow. All things in nature are part of the same universal soul, so Hindus stress non-violence. Important to respect nature and not struggle against it.
Cows are sacred Cows are sacred Aryan customs that valued cattle evolved into Hindu’s beliefs that forbid the slaughter of cattle. Aryan men received cattle as reward when successful in war. People measured wealth in terms of cattle. Vedas compared the Earth to a cow. “rain is like the cow’s milk, the sun its calf.”
Hinduism and Caste System Hindu beliefs about rebirth and karma are closely tied to the caste system. The Caste system created social and religious order and it was based on birth. Whatever Caste you are born into that is where you remained and nothing can change it!
Caste System Brahmin(s) Brahmin(s) or priests at top. Kshatriya(s) Kshatriya(s) (kuh-shat-ree- ya) or warriors second class. Vaishyas Vaishyas (vi-shey-a), landowners, merchants, herders third class. Kshudras Kshudras (servants, peasants) Dalit (untouchables)
India’s Caste System (it’s not who you know, but to whom you were born…) A rigid social system that divided people into four distinct social classes. Most Hindus believe that a person’s caste is the result of karma. dharma Each caste has its own dharma (duties & obligations). People can improve their position in next life by carrying out duties in this life. Dharma: provides a guide to conduct, offers Hindus hope of better life. Next life depends on this life.