Waste Framework Directive Implementation Alan Holmes Waste framework Directive Implementation Manager NERF 26 May 2011
Recap - rWFD Objectives Replaces and consolidates old WFD, Hazardous and Oils directives Waste as a resource, ‘recycling society’ Waste hierarchy as a priority order Household recycling and C&D recovery targets Separate collection of 4 specified materials by 2015 Scope and content of waste management plans Waste prevention programmes End of waste
Key changes Waste (E&W) Regulations 2011 Waste (E&W) Regulations March 2011 Greater emphasis on waste hierarchy (Part 5) Priority order requirement in permits, transfer notes Some exclusions from WFD controls e.g. ABP [but still waste!] Some changes to Duty of Care (Reg 35 replaces 1991 Regs) Carriers & Broker regime (Part 8 of regs) Hazardous Waste Controls (Sch 2 of Regs) any plans? Separate Collection (Jan 2015) – any plans?
Govt Guidance Overarching on the transposition regulations Including revision of EP Guidance Definition of Waste Waste Hierarchy 3 parts Hazardous Waste Strategy Duty of Care Code of Practice (statutory) Registration of carriers brokers and dealers
EC Guidance Later this year Overarching definitions (recycling) Hierarchy Exclusions separate collections R1 Minimum standards (for treatment operations) End of Waste Regulations
Environment Agency Guidance For our customers and partners - NetRegs/Bus Link, EA Website, NCCC Briefing notes & FAQ’s Guidance, application forms, new systems - How to comply, clear and simple - engagement with customer groupings - available before changes impact What are others doing?
Illegal activity What more can we [all] do? Illegal activity What more can we [all] do? Waste Hierarchy - We have a [long] way to go! Producers Resource Efficiency Quality standards Protocols End of Waste
Hierarchy – how do we make it work? Challenges and Opportunities Roles Ours in Regulating business Further info eu-framework-directive/ agency.gov.uk/business/topics/waste/ aspx
‘Priority Order’ Hierarchy Guidance - ‘Priority Order’ 1.Short guidance (referred to in Art 15) explains each step of the hierarchy how the hierarchy applies to common materials what businesses need to do 2.Interactive online tool – with simple messages, sources of help and case studies 3.Evidence paper – for those who want to know more about the science underpinning the hierarchy Your role implementing? Opportunity or Challenge?
Duty of Care – new regime Reg 35 What is its role going forward? Being clear on responsibilities Improved awareness and understanding Waste Hierarchy Transfer notes declaration, evidence? Revised Code of Practice Preventing mismanagement of waste Best practice Electronic Duty of Care (eDOC) Separate collection 2015
Carrier & Broker [& Dealer] – new regime Introduced by Waste Regulations 2011 (Part 8) 2 Tier – Upper and Lower Upper as now Lower new 1-off registration (waste producers ‘normally & regularly’ at end of 2013) Guidance Awareness raising and queries management Hierarchy declaration ( Part 9 Reg 35 ) role of waste contractors?
End of waste & implications New EC Regulation 9 Oct 2011 Ferrous scrap metals Others (Cu scrap, paper, glass) following soon Implications for Producer Responsibility Permit changes Waste protocols approach Quality standards/QMS By Products? Waste Stream Approach
Queries to date Format for new transfer note Use of Declaration and SIC code (from 28 Sept 2011) Season tickets Guidance on hierarchy, evidence Duty of Care been replaced Lower tier carrier registration End of Waste EC Regulation explained Permit conditions, haz waste changes agency.gov.uk/business/topics/waste/ aspx
Thank you! Alan Holmes