How to get full credit!!!
Answer in complete sentences Fully develop your thoughts Answer each part of any multi-question
Take time to process the Question(s). Brainstorm – on paper. Write correct and complete sentences. Answer ALL parts of the Question/Prompt. 3 paragraph minimum 3-5 sentences in each paragraph
Describe “a day in your life” as a student at Enterprise High School. Include details about courses, teachers, and classmates. Be sure to explain the significance of your morning commute to school.
The American flag is known as a symbol of patriotism dating back to the time of the American Revolution. Explain the history of the flag, including at least three facts about our flag.
Describe a minimum of three amendments in the Bill of Rights.
Compare and Contrast the Federalists and the Anti- Federalists.
What key issue did the Great Compromise resolve? How?
Take time to process the Question(s). Brainstorm – mentally or on paper. Write correct and complete sentences. Answer ALL parts of the Question.
George Washington delivered a farewell speech at the end of his presidency. In his farewell address, he spoke about warnings for the future of the United States of America. In your essay, discuss whether or not any of his warnings have come to fruition, and if so, you should include examples. Also, describe what the dangers are if his warnings are not heeded by our country’s leaders.
Take time to process the Question(s). Brainstorm – on paper. Write correct and complete sentences. Answer ALL parts of the Question/Prompt. 3 paragraph minimum 3-5 sentences in each paragraph