CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Experience of the Czech Statistical Office with the European.


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Presentation transcript:

CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Experience of the Czech Statistical Office with the European Statistics Code of Practice Author: Jan Matejcek General Methodology and Registers Branch Czech Statistical Office

CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic The first contacts of the CzSO with the ES CoP  Process of the CoP creation : ESS Quality Declaration (2001), ESS Quality Definition (2003), EFQM, TQM, CoP adoption (2005)  CzSO takes an active part in this process; top management sets continuously great importance to this effort  Personally connected with Marie Bohata through her activity in SPC, later in the position of Deputy Director General of Eurostat, responsible for quality management

CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Self-assessments done by NSI’s  TQM Surveys of Users’ Satisfaction  survey of users’ satisfaction  opinion of the internet users  Image of CZSO in the View of Czech Public  Regular Meetings of CZSO Management with Representatives of Main User Groups  Website usability testing  Regular contact with customers in our information services dpt.

CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Pilot peer review 1  The Czech Republic and the Netherlands  In March 2006 as a first one  Only principles 1 to 6 and 15 plus 13 and 14 on request  Andrea Hahn, Richard Laux and Staffan Wahlstrom  30 internal participants, 12 external participants

CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Pilot peer review 2  Test the peer review methodology prior to launching it on an ESS wide scale  Principal 1 Professional Independence – all indicators fully met, exemplary manner  Principle 2 Mandate for data collection – legistation action needed for full access to administrative data  Principle 3 Adequacy of Resources – adequate with the need to increase financial resources in medium term investment  Principle 4 Quality Commitment – to improve monitoring of quality

CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Pilot peer review 3  Principle 5 Statistical Confidentiality – to improve microdata access for research purposes  Principle 6 Impartiality and Objectivity – statistical metadata system  Principle 13 Timeliness and Punctuality – to produce annual punctuality report, to implement flash estimates for quarterly GDP  Principle 14 Coherence and Comparability – strategic project Redesign of statistical information system  Principle 15 Accessibility and Clarity – improvements in metadata system

CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Participation of the CzSO in peer reviews  Petra Kuncova, Hana Slegrova, Jan Matejcek  Finsko, Island, Bulharsko, Malta, Dansko  Denmark – me with Inger Ohman and Paloma Seoane Spiegelbergsince  Statistics Denmark is one of Europe’s leader in efficiency, using of administrative data and user friendliness  The main proposed improvements are directed at a better legislative definitions of professional independence, analyses of the adequacy of resources, quality monitoring and metainformation system development

CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Progress Report on Improvements Actions 1  PR in December 2007  Detailed imlemantation plan with fixed deadlines and responsibilities  Two amendments to the State Statistical Service Act – better access to administrative data sources, microdata access for research purposes  Project Redesign of Statistical Survey System interlinked with the project Statistical Metainformation System and Public Database  20 methodolgical audits of various statistics  Some actions depends on the external environment – e.g. Parliamentory postponed adoption of the Civil Service Act

CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Progress Report on Implementation Actions 2  Agreements on Co-operation and data exchange with National Bank and several Ministries  Regular Users satisfaction surveys, Respondents satisfaction surveys and Employees satisfaction surveys  Ministry of Finance allocate to the CzSO provisional budget figures for three years  Errors in published data are recorded in a special database when occurred, punctuality reports are produced  Flash estimates for quarterly GDP is implemented from 2008

CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Peer reviews in Statistical Service beyond CzSO  In the Czech Republic there are ten ministries and offices participating in State Statistical Service  ES CoP questionnaire used in shorter form for self-assessments  Peer review done by CzSO specialists with representatives of all of them during 2007

CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Thank you for your attention