MELIA (Coordination Action, EC 6th FP) Kick-off Meeting Sevilla, 4-7 September 2006 The Steering Committee: means and targets Claudio Bogliotti CIHEAM-IAMB.


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Presentation transcript:

MELIA (Coordination Action, EC 6th FP) Kick-off Meeting Sevilla, 4-7 September 2006 The Steering Committee: means and targets Claudio Bogliotti CIHEAM-IAMB

The Steering Committee – SC A strategic project mean to increase impact of MELIA at different levels: - policy - society - international project arena - international cooperation - research

Policy Relevant members will support the submission and presentation of Vision Document - VD to politicians (VD produced in/for dissemination) Tasks of relevant members: -) active participation to dissemination events towards politicians, -) review VD, -) advising target identification and contacting

Society Relevant members will strengthen the links with important societal actors to easy the circulation and transfer of MELIA’s results and vision documents Tasks of relevant members: -) participation to open public meetings foreseen in dissemination, -) advising on adaptation of knowledge-base to societal needs.

International project arena & International Cooperation Relevant members will support the coordinator to establish cross-exchange information with other “relevant” international projects and relevant actions (or strategies) of international donors. Tasks of these members: -) participation to planned meetings, -) advising on the identification of important documents or actions in international donors, -) keeping links with international project and donors

Research Members will advise and, when possible, facilitate MELIA to contribute in important international conferences and high-level scientific magazines Specific tasks: -) project scientific monitoring, -) reviewing MELIA scientific contribution (as project and not as single author), -) support contacts with editors / conference organizers

More general tasks of the SC Advising the other MELIA managing bodies on issues related to the definition of objectives, new challenges and exploitation of MELIA activities. Monitoring the progress, risk and quality of the activities of MELIA and its deliverables. Acting as Conflict Committee of MELIA in case of problems not solved by the Co-ordinator MEETINGS: once a year

WHO ? Policy: World Political Forum, MoCo, Ministerial responsible Society: responsible of well known and spread NGO having insights within different societal stratification (i.e.: CARE International ? …..) International project arena & International cooperation: Secretary International Affair of the Cabinet of His Excellency Minister Paolo De Castro, WB, IFAD, EuropeAid, World Water Council, ENWIS Research: two well reputed scientist covering the whole of water aspects (Prof. Glenk ? Dr. Spangenberg, Prof. Ramon Llamas?)

How many ? Policy: 3 Society: 1 International project arena & International cooperation: 3 Research: 2 Coordinator CIHEAM-IAMB: SC Chair 3 partners of Melia TOTAL: 14 members