AACRAO SPEEDE Committee Where are we focusing our efforts what is on the horizon for the future… ~ Session 1558 ~ AACRAO Technology Conference July 14, 2013 Tucson, AZ
Presentation Overview Your ideas and input welcome! Introduction Mission & Vision Strategic Goals Involvement Future Focus Available Resources
SPEEDE Committee Robin Greene, ChairUniv. of North Carolina General Administration Monterey Sims, Vice-ChairUniversity of Phoenix Matt BemisUniversity of Southern California Jerry BrackenBrigham Young University Tuan Anh DoSan Francisco State University Doug HolmesOntario Universities' Application Centre Susan ReyesSan Diego State University Shelby StanfieldUniversity of Texas at Austin Tom StewartMiami-Dade Community College (Retired)
MISSION T he AACRAO SPEEDE Committee’s mission is to develop, promote and maintain standards for the electronic exchange of education records, in conjunction with appropriate national standards bodies.
AACRAO SPEEDE COMMITTEE VISION The AACRAO SPEEDE Committee aspires to foster and expedite the transition from paper to electronic sharing of education records in the higher education community
Achieving the Mission & Vision I s your institution a member of AACRAO and PESC ? A sk us about the benefits! Standards Development and Maintenance Promotion and Education Training and Implementation Support Advisory and Oversight
Strategic Goals W hat is your biggest barrier to implementing or growing electronic transcript exchange at your institution? Develop relevant sessions & workshops for AACRAO Membership Promote upcoming sessions & workshops to increase awareness Solicit input regarding barriers to electronic exchange from the AACRAO and Education Community Answer questions to promote adoption of electronic exchange
Involvement Presentations AACRAO Webinars AACRAO Annual AACRAO Regional AACRAO Tech Publications EDX Primer PDF Best Practices Coming soon! Workgroups Education Record UG Canadian PESC UG CDS CEDS Boards CCB TAB SOA AACRAOPESC
Future Focus D id you respond to our PDF Best Practices Survey? R esults COMING SOON! Assist with implementations Feedback from education community PDF Best Practices Document Coming soon! UT Server migration to NSC September 2013 (tentative)
Available Resources What’s going on in your state/region? AACRAO/committees/speede/statestat.aspx AACRAO/committees/speede/statestat.aspx Contact someone in your state/region: AACRAO/committees/speede/statecont.aspx AACRAO/committees/speede/statecont.aspx
Ask any SPEEDE related questions via the listserv at Contact any member of the SPEEDE Committee via at EDX Primer publication: AACRAO/committees/speede/statecont.aspx Available Resources
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