The Rainforest Facts It is estimated that rainforest now cover less than 6 % of the earth’s surface. Scientist believe that more than half of the world’s plants and animals live in the rainforest biomes. There are more different kinds of trees in the rainforest than any other parts of the world. Many of the medicines we use come from the rainforest.
Animals of the rainforest
Bengal Tiger
Dawn Bat
Jambu Fruit Dove
Wagler’s Pit Viper
Plants of the Rainforest
Bengal Bamboo
Kapok Tree
Climate of the Rainforest All the rainfall makes the climate very humid. The rainforest climates are near the equator so there is more sun. The average temperature in a rainforest is about 77 degrees F. The average yearly rainfall is more than 150 cm. In a month the rainfall can be more than 4 inches.
Websites Used for Pictures and Information its/biomes/rainforest.html its/biomes/rainforest.html