Mapping and Size Estimation of male- to-female transgender community in 17 states of India: First level findings at the country level Technical Guidance: DAC Financial Sponsor: UNDP Background: TG people recognized as a core population for whom the HIV intervention need to be scaled up Need: For effective planning, implementation and evaluation of HIV interventions among TG people, it is crucial to have information on mapping and size estimation Objective: To map the areas where TGs are available & estimate their sizes in 17 states where some baseline data were available Methods Study Period: December September 2013 Study sites : 17 states Data collection methods: Detailed listing of the sites up to the district level was done with the help of stakeholders, especially NGOs/CBOs working with sexual minorities. Participatory approaches using key community informants (with Delphi consensus) for site identification and nomination methods for size estimates were followed by site-visits for verification. Validation: 10% of the districts from each state and a sub-sample of the sites were randomly selected and, an independent team visited those sites.
Results Percentage distribution of number of sites in all study states States TG/HijrasSize estimation 17 DistrictsSites mapped LLULPE Top 5 states with highest SE of TGS were: Maharashtra (10,057), Uttar Pradesh (8,001), Odisha (7,854), West Bengal (6,788) and Andhra Pradesh (5,401), comprising of 38,101 (61%) TGs/Hijras. Among 62,137 TGs, 29,097 TGs (47%) were associated with any Gharana and within the states, the highest proportion of TGs associated with any Gharana was in Maharashtra (77%, N=7762 of 10,057) and the lowest in Bihar (13%, N=138 of 1,053). 62% (n=38,465) of the TGs were involved in sex trade. The top five states were UP (84%), Rajasthan (73%), Karnataka (72%), Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh (66% each). 17 states
Percentage distribution of rural and urban sites in study states Other Findings: Nearly 45% of all sites, were public sites and only around 1.4% sites were Brothels/hamams which was high in Karnataka (14.8%). 29 districts in 17 states had a point estimate of 400 TG Inter-state migration:>10% in 7 (out of 17) states; Inter-town/city migration: >25% in 10 (out of 17) states. Implications State level variations in the population size of Hijra/TG communities are evident Close to 3/5 th of the Hijra/TG population is involved in sex-work 15 exclusive TG sites in 10 states have been identified for the IBBS