1 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Education & Training 13 November 2015
Way forward Financial Information Human Resource Information Performance Information Governance General Information...from policy development to policy implementation2 Table of Contents
...from policy development to policy implementation3 A GENERAL INFORMATION
Legislative and Policy Frameworks NQF Act, No. 67 of 2008 Ministerial Guidelines White Paper for Post- school Education and Training, 2013 PFMA, No. 1 of from policy development to policy implementation4
Create a single integrated national framework for learning achievements Facilitate access, mobility and progression within education, training and career paths Enhance equality of education and training Accelerate redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training, and employment opportunities Contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large...from policy development to policy implementation5 Objectives of the NQF and SAQA
SAQA and the Quality Councils focus on: Developing, fostering and maintaining an integrated and transparent framework for the recognition of learning achievements Ensuring that South African Qualifications meet appropriate criteria, determined by the Minister and are internationally comparable Ensuring that South African Qualifications are of an acceptable quality...from policy development to policy implementation6
NQF Architecture National Qualifications Framework LevelSub-framework and qualification types 10Doctoral Degree Doctoral Degree (Professional) * 9Master’s Degree Master’s Degree (Professional) * 8Bachelor Honours Degree Postgraduate Diploma Bachelor’s Degree Occupational Certificate (Level 8) 7Bachelor’s Degree Advanced Diploma Occupational Certificate (Level 7) 6Diploma Advanced Certificate Occupational Certificate (Level 6) 5Higher CertificateOccupational Certificate (Level 5) 4National CertificateOccupational Certificate (Level 4) 3Intermediate CertificateOccupational Certificate (Level 3) 2Elementary CertificateOccupational Certificate (Level 2) 1General CertificateOccupational Certificate (Level 1) Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub- Framework Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework
Our Foundation for Performance Vision A world class National Qualifications Framework for South Africa Mission Oversee the further development and implementation of the NQF and advance its objectives which contribute to the full development of each lifelong learner and to the social and economic development of the nation at large...from policy development to policy implementation8
Strategic Goals Leadership Provide decisive leadership and coordination People Enhance capacity and encourage and value staff contributions Public Positioning Being visible through education and advocacy...from policy development to policy implementation9
...from policy development to policy implementation11 Current term of office of 5 th Board comes to an end in December 2015 Board and Committees’ Structure
Composition of Board Education & Training Sector 10 members appointed by Minister Organised Labour 2 members appointed by Minister NQF Family CEOs from 3 Quality Councils and SAQA appointed by virtue of position...from policy development to policy implementation12
Committee Structures 9 committees At least 2 board members on each committee Additional specialist expertise Terms of Reference Reviewed and approved annually by Board Reporting Chairperson reports progress at every Board meeting Assessment Annual self-assessment...from policy development to policy implementation13
...from policy development to policy implementation14 A GOVERNANCE REPORT
...from policy development to policy implementation15 Assurance : Internal & External Auditors Oversight: governance structures Operational: line managers Levels of Managing Risk
Economic Viability Cost recovery model Funding for priority projects Environmental Sustainability Energy efficiency and saving Recycling and eco-friendly waste management Social and Transformation Matters SAQA supports the Tshwaraganang Orphanage Committed to transformation in the workplace...from policy development to policy implementation16 Sustainability Report
Communication with Stakeholders Engaging in strategic conversations Creating a platform for intellectual debates Seeking public comment Participating in forums...from policy development to policy implementation17
Communication with Stakeholders Interacting with learners and the public Collaborating with partners Learning from and contributing to international initiatives...from policy development to policy implementation18
...from policy development to policy implementation19 A PERFORMANCE INFORMATION
Performance against Ministerial Guidelines 2014/15 RPL, CAT and Assessment policies NQF Impact Study 2014 Register of Fraudulent Qualifications Concept paper on Implementing White Paper on Post-School Education & Training for Minister...from policy development to policy implementation20
Reporting on Misinformation about Qualifications 454 cases of misrepresented foreign qualifications and 295 misrepresented national qualifications were recorded by end of March from policy development to policy implementation21
Advice to Minister...from policy development to policy implementation22 Briefing Note on NQF and SAQA’s role Comments on Ministerial Guidelines and Priorities for 2014/15 and 2015/16 Legal opinion on developing a Register of Fraudulent Qualifications and implications of making register public
...from policy development to policy implementation23 Achievements
...from policy development to policy implementation24
...from policy development to policy implementation25
...from policy development to policy implementation26 A HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION
Human Resource Priorities Learning and development plans for each staff member Organisation-wide leadership development programme Lifelong learning programme...from policy development to policy implementation27
...from policy development to policy implementation28
...from policy development to policy implementation29 A FINANCIAL INFORMATION
Achieved SAQA’s 18th unqualified audit report from the Auditor General Funds managed responsibly, efficiently and effectively...from policy development to policy implementation30 Financial Management
Revenue Collection 31
Programme Expenditure 32
Capital Investment, Maintenance, and Asset Management Plan 33
...from policy development to policy implementation34 A WAY FORWARD
Focus on policy implementation Develop policy on Misrepresented Qualifications Provide information of misrepresented qualifications and institutions that operate outside of the NQF Publish Policy on recognising Foreign Qualifications and Guidelines for Learning that does not Lead to a Qualification or Part- Qualification Promote better understanding of Articulation through research and advocacy Simplify the NQF by de-registering qualifications with no uptake 2 years after registration Complete work on establishing SAQA in ombuds role Get a clean auditInduct new Board...from policy development to policy implementation35 For 2015/16…
36 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Education & Training 13 November 2015