California Transition Seminar Introductions Dale, Aaron, Kirstin and Chris from BMGF Lori Ayre from Infopeople 12:00pm – 1:00pm Questions encouraged! Please! Who this is directed to
California Grants
Seminar Subjects Overview of Operating System Support Issues Common to This Model Moving Forward The Gates Windows 2000 Model Gates Technical Support Website We’ll discuss in more detail later
Operating System Security using Policies, Permissions and Profiles What are they? Don’t add profiles, change existing profiles. Locking and unlocking profiles WINNT Permissions.bat file in E:/Utils folder
Known OS and Software Issues Yahoo and other Registry Writers Registry Permissions Lockdown Macromedia and Flash updates Instructions on pacomputing
Quick Fixes for Major OS Problems You can copy profiles and policy from one Gates computer to another. Ghost it!
Known Hardware Issues LS120 Superdrive Test them, replace with regular floppy drives Power Supply Fan
Hardware Troubleshooting Pacomputing for Troubleshooting tips List of parts Warranty dates and phone numbers Gateway
Maintenance of the Gate Computers Update your anti virus files Clean temp.bat file from
Gates Library Technical Support Fixes for known problems Instructions on making modifications Advice about Upgrades Tutorials Content will be transferred to
Moving Forward Plan ahead Upgrade or replace?
Upgrading Upgrade to XP or Win2k? Pros and Cons Consider adding memory, inexpensive and effective.
Licensing and repurposing The operating system goes with the computer All other programs can be transferred. You own the software so reinstall it! Childrens, Reference and Office software. Instructions on
The Gate Windows 2000 Model A new Public Access Model is based on Windows 2000 or XP You can create this model if you have either Windows 2000 or XP Build the new model using the Public Access Configuration Tool and Centurion Guard
Configurator The Configurator! Public access lockdown tool, freeware from The current version requires some technical expertise The next version will require none (available in three to four months)
Centurion Guard Hardware device that prevents changes to the hard drive. Circa $100