Revealing Important Nocturnal and Day-to-Day Variations in Fire Smoke Emissions through a Novel Multiplatform Inversion Pablo Saide, Greg Carmichael, University of Iowa, Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research Contributions from: David Peterson (NRC), Arlindo da Silva, Bruce Anderson, Luke D. Ziemba, Glenn Diskin, Glen Sachse, Johnathan Hair, Carolyn Butler, Marta Fenn, Phil Russell, Jens Redemann, Yohei Shinozuka, Alexei Lyapustin, Yujie Wang (NASA), Jose L. Jimenez, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, O. Brian Toon (U. of Colorado Boulder), Anne Perring, Joshua Schwarz, Milos Z. Markovic (NOAA), David G. Streets, Fang Yan (ANL), Jack Dibb (UNH), Robert Yokelson (U of Montana), Edward Hyer (NRL), Laura Gallardo (U of Chile) 1
RIM fire during SEAC4RS August 26th August 27th AOD Aug 28 th 00 UTC
Rim fire cover on current the BAMS issue! 3 Peterson et al., BAMS 2015
Emission Inversion method Simultaneously improve the model fit to various measurements: – SEAC4RS in-situ (OA, CO, extinction) and remote sensing (DIAL-HSRL Extinction) from 2 flights – AERONET AOD (1, 2, 3, 4) – Ground based CO (1, 5, 6) – Satellite AOD (NASA NNR) Constrain hourly RIM fire emissions from NASA QFED BB emissions Performed at 4km resolution, for 2 met boundary conditions (FNL, NARR) 12km 4km Saide et al., GRL 2015
Inversion evaluation Re-run with constrained emissions Agreement to assimilated data shows good performance of the method (reality check) Agreement to other observations show robustness of the constrained emissions 26 Aug flight Ext [1/Mm] U of Reno AERONET AOD
Inversion Results Total constrained emission are factor higher FNL and NARR inversions generally consistent Flight+Ground inversion shows higher correction factors than satellite (x vs x2.5) Correction factors Emissions Terra, 26 Aug 2013 Aqua, 23 Aug 2013 Saide et al., GRL 2015
Day-to-day variability and Nighttime enhancements Correction factors Emissions Diurnal Cycle from GOES Counts FRP Daily Emissions vs Area burned Saide et al., GRL 2015
Impacts of constrained emissions Maximum changes shown comparing simulation with initial and constrained emissions Impacts can be substantial 8 Saide et al., GRL 2015
Using the tool for other fires: Santiago, Chile Stgo MAIAC WRF-Chem STGO AERONET AOD Aqua (PM) Terra (AM) In collaboration with A. Lyapustin (NASA GSFC) and Laura Gallardo (U. of Chile)
August 19 flights Simulations the for 12km domain, daily re- initialization, updated QFED emissions Capture plumes but maximum concs are lower in the model-> fraction of flaming emissions 10 DIAL-HSRL Extinction WRF-Chem
Tracers represents smoke emissions every 3 hours per region starting on August 14 th (used for Aug 16 and 19) It allows to investigate smoke age and source on measurements times/heights/locations 11 “Idaho” “Wyoming” “Utah” Fire detections August
12 North wallsSouth walls
13 North wallsSouth walls
August 16 flight Same simulation as Aug. 19 flight Same problem with the fraction of flaming emissions 14 DIAL-HSRL Extinction WRF-Chem
Conclusions Rim fire emissions biases, diurnal cycle and day-to-day variability was assessed with the inversion method The inversion method can be applied to constrain other fires and other sources (e.g., dust, volcanic, greenhouse gases) Smoke Age estimates can be obtained with the tracers Spreadsheets with age estimates for flight track and for fixed heights will be made available for some cases 16 Thanks! Questions?
Supplemental slides 17
Inversion equations