09/07/07Shutdown’07 Week 5 F.G. Garcia1 MTA beam line installation Weekly Report September 07, 2007 Period covered: August 31 st to September 7 th (Week 5) MTA – Week3
09/07/07Shutdown’07 Week 5 F.G. Garcia2 MTA Weekly Report – Week 5 Shielding underneath hatch area is complete Restacking complete on 09/04 Finalizing some safety requirements: Added cover plates to aid S&S Retrofit cover plate over the utility penetration Re-used the slug of concrete to plug in the beam pipe penetration Electrical Work Cable pull ongoing Load cables estimate to finish by Monday Immediately start pulling instrumentation cables Next week: Continue with cable pull. Mechanical Installation All magnets have been stationed in place Next step will be alignment! Moving along with MW stands (45% complete).
09/07/07Shutdown’07 Week 5 F.G. Garcia3 MTA Weekly Report – Week 5 Alignment Outside corner of the concrete blocks were shot by surveyors Next week: Rough alignment starts Monday, Sep 10 th LCW work Copper pipe installation complete (Linac side) Brazing/installing taps Next week: Contractors will be moving to the MTA side Vacuum work Making as much progress as possible with the assortment of the spool pieces and flanges Ion pumps stands are complete Beam pipe support stands are complete