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©2002SLACK Incorporated. Published by SLACK Incorporated.2 TABLE 1 A Study of Professional Nurses' Perceptions of Patient Education. Marcum, Julie; MS, RN; CCRN, CS; Ridenour, Maureen; BSN, RN; Shaff, Gaye; MSN, RN; Hammons, Mary; BSN, RN; Taylor, Monica Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 33(3): , May/June TABLE 1 DEMOGRAPHICS
©2002SLACK Incorporated. Published by SLACK Incorporated.3 TABLE 2 A Study of Professional Nurses' Perceptions of Patient Education. Marcum, Julie; MS, RN; CCRN, CS; Ridenour, Maureen; BSN, RN; Shaff, Gaye; MSN, RN; Hammons, Mary; BSN, RN; Taylor, Monica Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 33(3): , May/June TABLE 2 STAFF NURSE PERCEPTIONS ABOUT PATIENT EDUCATION
©2002SLACK Incorporated. Published by SLACK Incorporated.4 TABLE 3 A Study of Professional Nurses' Perceptions of Patient Education. Marcum, Julie; MS, RN; CCRN, CS; Ridenour, Maureen; BSN, RN; Shaff, Gaye; MSN, RN; Hammons, Mary; BSN, RN; Taylor, Monica Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 33(3): , May/June TABLE 3 RANK ORDER OF FACTORS THAT ENHANCE PATIENT TEACHING
©2002SLACK Incorporated. Published by SLACK Incorporated.5 TABLE 4 A Study of Professional Nurses' Perceptions of Patient Education. Marcum, Julie; MS, RN; CCRN, CS; Ridenour, Maureen; BSN, RN; Shaff, Gaye; MSN, RN; Hammons, Mary; BSN, RN; Taylor, Monica Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 33(3): , May/June TABLE 4 RANK ORDER AND MEAN SCORES OF FACTORS THAT INHIBIT PATIENT TEACHING
©2002SLACK Incorporated. Published by SLACK Incorporated.6 TABLE 5 A Study of Professional Nurses' Perceptions of Patient Education. Marcum, Julie; MS, RN; CCRN, CS; Ridenour, Maureen; BSN, RN; Shaff, Gaye; MSN, RN; Hammons, Mary; BSN, RN; Taylor, Monica Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 33(3): , May/June TABLE 5 RANK ORDER OF GREATEST AMOUNT OF TIME SPENT IN PERFORMING NURSING DUTIES