Yoga Learning Objective: To enquire into the Hindu concept of Yoga.


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Presentation transcript:

Yoga Learning Objective: To enquire into the Hindu concept of Yoga.

Self Reflection... In the back of your books, write down everything that is on your mind at the moment. E.g. What do you think the most about? Friends? Family? You won’t have to read these out but try to make them general things rather than too personal.

Self Reflection... On your post it note, write down one thing that is often on your mind (make sure it is something you don’t mind sharing). When you have written it down, come up and stick it on the board...

How do you clear your mind? Is it important to clear your mind sometimes? Why? What sort of things do you do to clear your mind?

Hinduism and Yoga Yoga is much more than exercises and meditation within Hinduism... Yoga is a means of brining about a union with Brahman and there are four ways you can do this. Yoga is a Hindu idea and means path to happiness.

The Four Yoga’s Raja – Meditation and exercises to harmonise body and mind. It is a form of self control over the senses and the mind. It involves deep contemplation of Brahman. Become free from anger, greed, envy and sadness. Bhakti – This is worship to a personal deity where the devotee remembers the god’s name constantly, and praises him or her through singing and chanting. Karma – Selfishness will keep you in Samsara, so you need to help others. It is the path of unselfish action by completing daily work and duties. Gandhi is a great example. Jana – This is the path of knowledge and understanding. It is achieved through deep meditation and an experience of oneness with Brahman. It allows you to see how temporary life is and gain true knowledge and wisdom. Performing these helps a Hindu in their pursuit to Moksha.

Now we will try some meditation...

Silent Reflection In the front of your books, you are going to reflect on your meditation experience. Think about the following things: Was it easy/hard to empty your mind? How did it make you feel? Is it something you would try on your own?