Holly Broncho Football Off-Season Team Challenge “Only Your Best Is Good Enough”
What is the Challenge? The Challenge is our Off-Season competition set on building our program through great competition between our athletes. “To Get Something You Have Never Accomplished, You Must Do Things You Have Never Done”
What is the Challenge? Each week every participate in the challenge will earn or lose points for their team. There will be SIX teams competing against one another in the competition. Points will be posted each week in Mr. Culloty’s Room 231 & on
Winning Team The team with the most points after all grades are posted at end of the May will be declared the winner. The winning team receives a T-Shirt, a picture of the winning team will be placed in the locker room and the team will be rewarded with a steak dinner during our final FTA.
Individual Awards Individual point totals will determine the order which one receives his equipment/jersey in August. Top point winner = top equipment.
How do the points work? Points can be earned or lost each week according to –performance in class, off-season training and in service to the community. Team members are responsible for turning in their points every Monday to their Platoon Leader. The platoon leaders are responsible for reporting all points to Coach Culloty.
How to Earn Points… Workouts (25 points per) include: Weight room, Speed & Agility, Participation in a School Sport and participation in A.C. Monthly Lifting Points—(Bench-Dead-Squat) one point per pound from each lift 1,000 Pound Club—1,000 points (each time you qualify) Clydesdale, Tree Trunk, Crazy Horse-500 points each Team Study Session—5 or more members study together after school (50 points) (signature required) Community Service—100 points (signature required)
Points… Individual Study Session—Homework Huddle- (5 points) (signature required) Grades will be recorded twice (3rd marking period and end of May) = 8,000 points = 4,500 points =1,000 points =300 points 1.99 and below= points Recruit a new member for the team= 500 points* Good Report from a Teacher/Principal/other= 300 points FTA Attendance=250 points per event –Negative Report= -500 points –Detention = -500 points –Suspension= -1,000 points
Weekly Point Sheet Can be found outside of Mr. Culloty’s door—Room 231 You MUST have the Sheet filled out to earn your points. We will count all points from Monday to Monday —February 1 st will be the first day that points are collected.
Holly Football The Road to the FML Championship & Beyond There are many successful people in life. The achievers of those success stories started with “I decided to…” Immediately after deciding, they took action that enabled them to begin achieving that which they decided to do. It is through actions that we become what we want to be.
Holly Football The Road to the FML Championship & Beyond
We Want YOU! TO PLAY HOLLY FOOTBALL!!!!! Wednesday, January 21, 2010 Be in the KIVA-2:45 P.M. For an important informational meeting.