Mission Assurance Support Services (MASS) Christina Avetyan Subcontracts Manager, Labor and Task Services Subcontracts January 12, 2016 Bidder’s Conference
11:00am – 11:10am: Introduction to JPL 11:10am – 11:20am: Historical Information and Statement of Work Overview 11:20am – 11:30am: Request for Proposal (RFP) and Selection Process Overview 11:30am – 11:35am: Submit Written Questions 11:35am – 11:50am:*JPL Caucus* 11:50am – 12:00pm:JPL Response to Questions Bidder’s Conference Agenda 2
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is a federally funded research and development center (FFRDC) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) field center located in the San Gabriel Valley area of Los Angeles County, California, USA. JPL is managed by, and is an operating division of, the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) for NASA. Laboratory's primary function is construction and operation of robotic planetary spacecraft Also conducts Earth-orbit and astronomy missions Responsible for operating NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) Introduction to JPL 3
Mars Solar system Exoplanets Astrophysics Earth Science Interplanetary Network Our Mission: Robotic Space Exploration for NASA 4
About JPL Located in Pasadena, California 5,300 employees $1.6 billion business base 177 acres 673,000 net square feet of office space 906,000 net square feet of non-office space (e.g., labs) (Data as of FY 2013) 5
JPL Funding and Expenditures Where Some of the Funding Goes (FY 13) 6 $1,600,000,000 JPL Business Base $721,000,000 Procurement Awards 45% of Business Base Infrastructure JPL Workforce
MASS Historical Information and Statement of Work Overview 7
Purpose: –Provide needed support to Sections: 512 – Quality Assurance, 513 – Reliability Engineering & Mission Environmental Assurance, 514 – Component Engineering and Assurance, 516 – System Safety –Subcontract will allow for quick response to project ramp-up & quick reduction of support as needed Previously known as the Reliability Engineering Support Services (RESS) subcontract. –Has been renamed Mission Assurance Support Services (MASS) –Support has been provided to the Laboratory for 25+ years –Current Subcontractor is ManTech SRS Technologies Current Subcontract ceiling: $23,469,598.00, with 87 SWOs issued from 10/2010 Current Subcontract will expire March 31, Background Information 8
Support levels in the subcontract include engineering, inspection and IT support to Mission Assurance tasks. The positions are professional, (non SCA) and require a degree and varying levels of experience. History of the RESS subcontract: Personnel possess a skill mix and level of expertise necessary to support the JPL Mission. Mix is diverse and currently includes, but is not limited to, Reliability and Environmental Engineers, Quality Engineers and Inspectors, Components and Radiation Engineers, System Safety Engineers and Information Systems support of Mission Assurance activities. Personnel are professionals typically with a Bachelors or higher. Current number of personnel includes a mixture of full-time and part-time positions. The current level of support is approximately 23 Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs). The peak number in the last three (3) years was equivalent to 24 FTEs. Background Information (cont’d) 9
Provide labor, facilities, equipment and software necessary to perform tasks in support of non-flight and flight areas of engineering, inspection and testing support to the extent requested by the Mission Assurance Support Services Subcontract. Work will be authorized by JPL through issuance of Subcontract Work Orders (SWOs). Provide qualified task support personnel to support multiple JPL Projects and Missions. Provide Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) cleared individuals as needed. Provide excellent customer service to JPL by responding to customer and client needs and requests, with advance knowledge and experience. Attend JPL technical meetings, as appropriate and occasionally travel domestically and/or to remote locations to perform work as designated by JPL. Statement of Work Overview 10
Provide an Operations Manager Weekly Progress Reports, Monthly Cost Reports, Electronic Billing Travel as required on the SWO Use various JPL databases and tools to complete tasks Provide Mission, Reliability and Quality Assurance in accordance with the SWO Provide Flight Systems Safety support in accordance with the SWO Statement of Work Overview (cont.) 11
Period of Performance Three (3)- year Basic Subcontract Two additional one (1)- year Option Periods Five (5)- year maximum Competition Small Business Set-Aside Subcontract Type Labor-Hour Subcontract Work Order (SWO) for each person Period of Performance and Subcontract Type 12
11/16/15 – RFP Released 12/04/15 – Part I Related Experience, Past Performance, and Mandatory Qualifications Due 1/04/16 – Notification to Successful Proposers of Part I 1/12/16 – Bidder’s Conference 2/1/16 – Parts II (Cost Proposal) and Part III (OPP Written Slides) Due 2/8-2/19/16 - Oral Presentations and Discussions 3/3/16 - Submit to Source Selection Official 3/7/16 - Award Notification 3/7- 3/31/16 - Transition Period 4/1/16 - Go Live Procurement Schedule * 13 * Dates are subject to change
Request for Proposal (RFP) and Selection Overview Process 14
Part I has been successfully completed. Remaining parts are Parts II and Parts III: Part II – Cost/Price proposal (Written): Addresses the RFP’s Cost/Price Proposal Instructions Due Date: 2/1/2016; 3:00pm Part III– Technical/Management proposal (electronically submitted slides to be used during Oral Presentation) Due Date: 2/1/2016; 3:00pm Oral Proposal Presentation Date: TBD JPL will notify each proposer of its date to present its OPP, seven (7) calendar days prior to the scheduled date (JPL will determine the OPP dates). Three (3) working days before the scheduled date of the OPP, JPL may submit advance written questions concerning any parts of your proposal. Request for Proposal (RFP) 15
Proposal Pricing Proposal shall be submitted on JPL Form A-17 (Excel) Supplement Business/Cost Information Submit a copy of annual financial statements for the last 3 years Include a copy of a letter of credit from your bank, if available or applicable Identify any third parties who may have security liens on your intellectual property, personal property, or general intangibles. Demonstrate the financial resources to handle a subcontract of the dollar value anticipated. Accounting Calendar Furnish an accounting calendar for each year in which work is anticipated Attachments in Group A Request for Proposal (RFP) Overview: Cost Proposal Instructions 16
Technical and Management Technical Criterion T-1 and T-2 Criterion T1: Related Experience: The degree to which the proposer's past performance demonstrates their ability to successfully perform this effort. –Factor 1: Mission Assurance Experience –Factor 2: Management Experience Criterion T2: Personnel Qualifications: The degree to which the proposer possesses the personnel to successfully conduct this effort. –Factor 1: Qualifications of Operations Manager –Factor 2: Qualifications of Support Personnel Request for Proposal (RFP) Overview: Evaluation Criteria 17
Management Criterion M-1 through M-3 Criterion M1: Staffing & Transition Plan: The degree to which the proposer's staffing plan demonstrates their ability to successfully staff and retain employees to perform this effort. –Factor 1: Staffing –Factor 2: Retention –Factor 3: Training –Factor 4: Transition Plan Criterion M2: Organization & Management Plan: The degree to which the organizational structure and the role and responsibilities of the operations manager allow for successful performance of this effort. –Factor 1: Organization Structure –Factor 2: Management of Partnerships –Factor 3: Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI) Criterion M3: Facility Plan: The degree to which the proposed office facility will contribute to the successful performance of this effort. –Factor 1: Subcontractor Facility Plan –Factor 2: IT Security Plan Request for Proposal (RFP) Overview: Evaluation Criteria (cont.) 18
Final Source Selection - Overview Final source selection will be based on the evaluation of Part I, the OPP and the below list of required written material. Representations and certifications required in the RFP attachments Supplementary written material which cannot be presented orally (such as drawings, resumes, charts, matrices) Part II of Proposal – Cost/Price information The competition will result in one (1) award. 19
Reminders Read and follow directions very carefully All Terms are non-negotiable Check the Due Dates for submittals Check the format, number of copies and page limitations Make sure to address each criterion thoroughly Keep checking the Website: for Addendums and updates on the RFPhttps://acquisition.jpl.nasa.gov/bizops/ 20
Questions? Submit via to 21