This is the story of three little kids. The first kid’s house was made of wood. The second kid’s house was made of tent. The third kid’s house was made of stone. One day the Big, Bad Clown was very scary. He goes to the first kid’s house and says, “I’ll huff and I ‘puff and I´ ll blow your house down.” The kid runs to his brother’s house. The clown goes to the second kind’s house and says “1’huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.”.
The two kids run to their brother´s house. The clown goes to the third kid´s house and says,” I’ll huff and I ‘puff and I´ ll blow your house down.” But he can’t blow it down. He climbs onto the roof and down the chimney. He falls into the fire and then he was ejected in space.
The three little kid’s lived happily ever after...