1 We welcome comments and feedback from these power points to If you would like take our membership class with power point, please visit our website at
2 Based on the divine teachings of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada International Society of Krishna Consciousness
3 Controlling the Mind
4 Mind Best Friend or Enemy Always something playing in the MInd. Talk to ourselves up to 30,000 X day Be Conscious of what we meditate on. “Worry” is to meditate on the wrong things
5 Doorway to your Mind When negative thoughts come knocking you don’t have to answer the door. No thanks, going to choose to meditate on what Krishna says about me.
6 Good, wholesome reports Instead of replaying & gloom over & over, replay what Krishna says. Supply you all your needs, Yoga ksema vahanmy aham Eko bahunam yo vidhadati kaman, 10 arms to give
7 Our Trust Not in economy, stock market, our trust is in the name of the Lord. Nama Chintamani Krishna..Purna suddha nitya mukta... Khan was going to give her gold & a house
8 Lamp in Windless Place Perfect peace Meditating on the problem does not make it better, X worse. Change what you are dwelling on
12 Before....you get out of bed check the news check weather see how you feel SET YOUR MIND IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION
13 Your Life will follow Your thoughts Nothing good happens to me I never get any breaks I’ ll never get out of debt I’ll never meet the right person Jewels in basket.
14 Every Season Economy down. you’ll be up Others survive, you’ll thrive Others going under, you’ll be going over When others have total fear, you’ll have total peace When others complaining, you’ll have a song of praise Ficus
15 If you’ll fill with right thoughts.. no room for wrong thoughts
16 Guard Doorway of the Mind My home, where I live, guard against strangers, enemies. Apartment complex rented 80 % to drug dealers, criminals, will run off 20 % good citizens Negative thoughts will run off positive thoughts
17 Not saying to deny... Negative reports..just don’t dwell on them, X consume you. Plenty of reasons why temple couldn’t be built. Hearing negatives from our own community. Daily Universe, Deseret News.
18 Get in Agreement with God Don’t let distractions take you off course, & Krishna will get you to where He wants you to be. First place we lose the victory is in our own thinking. Whole key is what’s going on in your thought life