Part III Meditation review & Yoga
Meditation Review How Many of you guys enjoyed instructor Raja yesterday? How many of you were actually able to enter into a meditative state? I know it seems really hard at first but you guys have to keep trying daily so that you can get used to it. Did you know that meditation can be done while walking or running? Even praying? Some people use this time to listen to their God rather than speaking to their God. This creates a closer bond in their eyes.
Benefits of Yoga There are different reasons for performing yoga. Most people do it to stretch their muscles, at any level you start to notice the benefits very soon after starting. Flexibility is one of the things that increases within the first eight weeks. Some styles of yoga such as ashtanga and power yoga, are VERY physical and are NOT for beginners. Practicing this one of these styles can improve muscle tone FAST! There are vigorous styles of Yoga that can provide strength and endurance benefits. Nearly all of the poses strengthen the core and the lower back. Yoga like meditation also has breathing benefits. Some yoga styles even use meditation techniques that help calm the mind.
Break Time
Instructor Haywood Everyone find a Mat and stand in front of it. I want everyone to sit in a comfortable meditation style position and gain control of their breathing. Hold it in for a slow count of four and exhale for a slow count of eight. Repeat this until you are calm. Alternate nostril breathing by hold one nostril closed at a time. This challenges you to actively use both sides of your brain. Now everyone go into the cat/cow posture….follow me. Hands and knees on the floor. As you inhale arch your back, tilt your head back and press the floor with your hands. On your next exhale pull your belly in, fold you chin toward your chest, and
Breathing Pose
Cat/Cow Pose
Continued Arch your back in the opposite direction. Repeat this for rotations- listen to your body. DOWNWARD FACING DOG From the cat/cow position you can transition straight to this position from your hands and knees. Just straighten your palms, letting head relax to a neutral position. Focus on pulling your shoulder blades together and gently pressing your heels towards the floor. Hold this position as long as you would like.
Downward Facing Dog Pose
Continued Standing Forward Bend From the current position walk or jump your feet to your hands, and bring your weight to your heels. You can hold you elbows, let your arms hang, place fingers or palms on the floor even hold your ankles or calves. When coming out of this posture roll your spine one vertebra at a time, until you are straight Bringing your head up last.
Warrior II Pose
Warrior II From Standing, walk or jump feet apart, making sure to have a wide stance, more than one shoulder length apart. Turn right foot toward the right wall, and turn your left toes in slightly. Bend your right knee, binging your thigh as close to parallel to the floor as you can Inhale as you raise your arms, so they are parallel to the floor, then turn your feet and repeat on the left side. Come to standing up straight, feet together, when you’re done.
Water break
Instructor Haywood The lunge will be the next pose. From standing, step your right foot forward, and bed your right knee so the just your left toes are on the floor. Keep your leg straight, and slide it backwards, if you need to. Your right thigh needs to be parallel to the floor and your left leg straight behind you. You can leave your palms or fingertips on the floor or lift your arms up over your head as long as you feel good about your balance. Hold this posture for 10 deep breaths. To exit out of the lunge bring your back knee to the floor and sit on your knee.
The Lunge Pose
The Bridge Pose Begin on your back with your arms by your sides, bring your feet close to your bottom. Press your feet into the floor and tense your bottom, lifting your butt and lower and middle back off the floor. You’re aiming for a straight line that begins with your knees and goes all the way to your chest. Hold this position for 10 deep breaths. Release slowly back to the floor.
The Bridge Pose
Reclined twist Lie on your back with your arms stretched out to either side. Bring your feet toward your body, so your knees are bent, then let your knees fall to the right as far as they can go without lifting your upper body off the floor. Lift your head gently off the floor, holding this pose for 60 seconds. Repeat the other side.
Reclined Twist
Savasana Lie flat on your back, arms to your side. Let your feet roll out, and gently close your eyes, Think about relaxing every part of your body, from the top of your forehead to your fingers and toes. Let all of the poses that you just did soak in, and relax.
“ ” For more information on yoga poses you can visit Beginners-Howto-Tips-Benefits-Images-Videos.html Beginners-Howto-Tips-Benefits-Images-Videos.html Jakia Mason Health and Wellness Coach