Some clients aren’t comfortable at the gym Give clients gym convenience and affordability Teach clients what to do at the gym
Convenience Affordability Includes: Yoga and Functional fitness Strength training using resistance exercises Food and healthy tips “Don’t wish for it! Work for it!”
Equipment: Stepper Balance Ball Resistance Bands
Band exercise Thrive-the Core Body Blog
Resistance bands can be used to strengthen all parts of the body. Take up less space Can manipulate over 150 exercises Minimizes stress in joints Workout anywhere you want! Cost: $18
Strengthen the gluts Cardiovascular workout Improve coordination and agility Cost: $22
Tighten gluts Abs Back Cost $10
Band Exercises! Teaches clients use of resistance bands! Stretches Abs/Back Arms/Legs Shoulders Chest
Provides clients with many workouts We will train clients at home Teach them the workouts Incorporate fun workouts in Zumba stepper
Yoga for beginners and beyond Yoga for beginners Nutrition tips for healthy lifestyle Strength Functional fitness Tip #1- Do what ever feels Good!
Low rate first week $50.00 Includes: Teaching a few workouts 5 hours of training Wellness coaching Regular rate of $30.00/hour
First time workoutCost Resistance Bands$18 Steppers$22 Balance Ball$10 Personal Training 1 st week$50.00 Final Cost$100
Clients have workouts and knowledge We profit!